Yesterday I felt baby kick!:) it was weird because it was so gentle .. I was leaning forward to read something on one of my screens and *kick kick* on my lower tummy...I guess it was letting me know it didn't like being squished lol.. It such a sweet little kick too.... Still soft and gentle enough sortof like a little tap on the shoulder:) I turned 18 weeks yesterday... I need to take a picture of my belly still... But I don't think it looks that different. Some little changes: less if an appetite... I eat small in the am... A crossiant and tea... Then fruit and yogurt. Lunch also a small meal... Yesterday sopa and a tortilla. Dinner pasta and beef but a small bowl.
I did have a hypoglycemic attack yesterday:( I get shaky and dizzy and my heart races... It's happened more when I'm pregnant it means my sugar levels are low... But it's because I'm not eating alot... But if I eat alot I feel sick. it went away after a few minutes but I wanted to cry!... Oni knows I have it.. He makes sure to get what ever I need when it happens but I was at work so I drank cold water and had some sweets. I need to have 6 small meals so it won't happen again which will be hard.. But I never want to feel like that ever again!!!
Also I notice I'm becoming a clean freak AGAIN yes again I was before I got pregnant but I got lazy. Poor hubby and kids Im making the girls clean up all their things even Gena they are old enough to help.. Akiras been helpin for a long time but now she has more to do.. And now it's Gena who started she puts her toys away but now it's her cloths she needs to put away and get dressed alone fix her bed and so on.. She has moments where she's not to happy about it, but still does it. :)
I'll update later on a picture! Thanks for reading
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Emotional Roller Coaster
Lately I have been feeling very emotional, I cant explain why...but I can say that its been constant. When it finally hit me was on Fathers Day, my sister wanted to get together and then go see my dad, well I havent gone to see him since last year and I feel that if I would go I would need to be alone...every time I go I break down, I miss him ALOT. I literally will sit on his grave ( ok next to him) and cry and talk to him as if he can hear me and hes there. I told her I wouldnt be able to go that I would need to go alone, I also cancelled going out with them mainly because I had a migraine and Oni wanted a quiet day at home. I dont know why but with this pregnancy I find myself missing him ALOT more than normal. He passed away 21yrs ago, I always miss him, but never to where I just think about him and start crying....I cant even talk about him anymore because it will make me want to start bawling...I just wish he was here it seems like the older Im getting the more I miss him. My father in law has been a wonderful father figure for me and great grandfather to the grls, he has accepted me and Akira without hesitation into the family and has always embraced us....he never makes us feel like we dont belong. Last year he had a bypass........10 of them and couldve made me feel like I was loosing my father all over again, we dont have a father daughter relationship but we have a close one enough to where he always will ask how I feel and what Im doing and thinks about me when he cooks...he makes me my favorites more now than ever! haha.....I dont know I hope I can control my emotions a little more. Im afraid the baby will come out always sad or always crying if I dont control myself...... I just wish he was here to see me be pregnant and I wonder what hed be thinking.... just writing this makes me want to cry.........
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Last Tuesday I turned 4months!! I cant believe Im already almost half way!

This one is from my 17 weeks which was this week

A few changes: Im sore....I mean my "chest" is REALLY sore..u know what I also I notice lately Im WAY more emotional...and sensative I will cry for the little things I feel I normally wouldnt. This past weekend was EXTRA hard since it was Fathers Day, my dad has been gone for 21yrs and being pregnant makes it harder for me, a girls dream is to have her daddy there he and I were really close...Ask my mom~ And I feel I need him more and more each day .....So maybe thats what makes me more emotional.Also I CANT eat chocolate!!!!!!!!! I KNOW! My hubby gave me a ding dong I was craving one day....well I ate it...YUCK!!! I soo wanted to throw up! I had some water and thin pretzels, it calmed my stomach. I am wanting more lollipops (tootsie pops)I dont want junk food anymore and Im still walking.
I use to be able to sleep 7hrs and be really ok all day well no more! lol I cant get enough sleep! One weekend I woke up at 12!!!! It felt sooo good lol. Its funny I have ppl asking me more and more if Im pregnant...I always say "Well Im not fat or bloated ;) ofcourse I ONLY say that to ppl who I CAN joke with far I feel good! Lazy but I think thats normal lol....oh well!
This one is from my 17 weeks which was this week
A few changes: Im sore....I mean my "chest" is REALLY sore..u know what I also I notice lately Im WAY more emotional...and sensative I will cry for the little things I feel I normally wouldnt. This past weekend was EXTRA hard since it was Fathers Day, my dad has been gone for 21yrs and being pregnant makes it harder for me, a girls dream is to have her daddy there he and I were really close...Ask my mom~ And I feel I need him more and more each day .....So maybe thats what makes me more emotional.Also I CANT eat chocolate!!!!!!!!! I KNOW! My hubby gave me a ding dong I was craving one day....well I ate it...YUCK!!! I soo wanted to throw up! I had some water and thin pretzels, it calmed my stomach. I am wanting more lollipops (tootsie pops)I dont want junk food anymore and Im still walking.
I use to be able to sleep 7hrs and be really ok all day well no more! lol I cant get enough sleep! One weekend I woke up at 12!!!! It felt sooo good lol. Its funny I have ppl asking me more and more if Im pregnant...I always say "Well Im not fat or bloated ;) ofcourse I ONLY say that to ppl who I CAN joke with far I feel good! Lazy but I think thats normal lol....oh well!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
15 weeks
I know I have been gone for a few weeks......its all due us getting things more settled and also my laptop wasnt charged. I was sick for a total of 2 1/2 weeks. As you know being pregnant your immune system is weaker...and trust me its WEAK!
Heres me at 15 weeks taken today.........
Here are a few things that I notice are different..
I no longer crave junk.....I rather eat fresh fruit, mainly watermelon and yellow cherries. I am extremly tired still though... but the best is that I dont have anymore morning sickness!! woohoo! I have been noticing I get up more at night to use the rest room.... while at the store I do have to go more....Oni always says "Again??" lol yes again..... People are saying Im small for being almost 4months I guess compared to my previous pregnancies I am smaller, mainly because Im also lighter than I was before I got pregnant. My other pregnancies I had morning sickness ALL the time.... I ate alot also and now I notice my appetite has sortof decreased...not alot but its mellowed down...
I wanted to post other pixs of the previous weeks but thought maybe it would be to many =)
Thanks for reading and sorry about the delay!!!
Heres me at 15 weeks taken today.........
Here are a few things that I notice are different..
I no longer crave junk.....I rather eat fresh fruit, mainly watermelon and yellow cherries. I am extremly tired still though... but the best is that I dont have anymore morning sickness!! woohoo! I have been noticing I get up more at night to use the rest room.... while at the store I do have to go more....Oni always says "Again??" lol yes again..... People are saying Im small for being almost 4months I guess compared to my previous pregnancies I am smaller, mainly because Im also lighter than I was before I got pregnant. My other pregnancies I had morning sickness ALL the time.... I ate alot also and now I notice my appetite has sortof decreased...not alot but its mellowed down...
I wanted to post other pixs of the previous weeks but thought maybe it would be to many =)
Thanks for reading and sorry about the delay!!!
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