At 27 weeks I feek sooo round =)
28 weeks..........hes starting to become more active...
Ok well I found out I have gestational diabetes =( I have been given advice from a friend who also has it but its also her 2nd time going through it, my first class is the 24th.........I have to admit its taken me time to realize its real... I never wouldve thought that I would have it, No Im not special and Im not someone who feels that I am immune its just that with the grls I always passed the 3hr test... I have fought sooo much to avoid diabetes and to control my cholesterol BEFORE pregnancy... so I thought Id be ok again....Oni did some researching and he told me it was unavoidable....
I know it will be hard but I know this is for him and Im willing to do what it takes...but I know hell be tested for it when hes born and also the fact that Im at risk for a C-Section..........AHHH!!
On a GOOD NOTE: Im getting the hang of his schedule... hes very active in the morning around when I get up.... then he seems to nap for about an hr to 2.... then hes up again he moves alot more! Oni hasnt been able to feel him but lately hes been able to feel him Gena even felt him..I want to be able to know his schedule before hes born, with the grls I learned every time Id get up to use the restroom is when they would also wake up at night...I cant wait I have been on an emotional roller coaster Im MORE moody!! ughh things bug me easily... poor grls..theyve been ok but Akira is open about it and tells me that I have been more moody..I tell her alot of things are going on and just ask her to behave....I wont tell her I have been to the hospital to that now I have GB, I dont want to concern her... she will get nervous and its not a burden I want her to carry.
Im excited that tomorrow we will get a tour of the hospital =) YAY! And now Im also offically in my 3rd trimester.... WOW!!! Never thought Id get there!! I have about 12 weeks left almost 11 because on Tuesday I will be 29 weeks =) OMG!! But funny how 11wks is about 2months and 3weeks but in reality your preg for almost 10mon!! But I feel hell be here before his due date =)Im excited also because in about 2 weeks is my shower!! woohoo! thanks for cking up on me =)