Saturday, November 27, 2010
Less sleep more diapers
Well since I breast feed he sleeps less because he digest the milk quicker....@__@ I'm exhausted. He weighs 6.4oz he lost 10% so he was only 6lbs. His Dr was concerned because he was still a little yellow so she asked me to also give him some formula so he can gain weight quicker, she is not for bottle but she wanted him to be out of the woods for jaundice. I was very hesitant, but for him I did it he drank first from both sides.... Then 1/2-1oz of formula after.... He gained 4oz so he's ok now:) yay! He feeds more also he use to last 10-15min but now it's 20min unless he's falling asleep, he has more wet and dirty diapers also. He sleeps better at night but day time he's up more often it becomes overwhelming sometimes.... Yesterday I cried.... I was only able to shower eat breakfast and brush my teeth.... I eat quick. Oni does help as much as he can, changes diapers and burps him , he'll hold him when he's not wanting to eat. But that will last a few minutes then it's all me again. I'm grateful I have family to lean on.... While I cried Oni said he understands... I know he tries to but doesn't 100%..... he is the one that wanted me to BF I wasn't on board... Now I am 100% and he even said it's ok if I decide to stop I won't though...even Gena said it's ok mommy we love u... Oni doesn't expect the house to be clean an dinner made... It's me who wants to have things done but now it's become clear I need to nap when Angel does and if I can't clean oh well... Like my cousin said... I need to enjoy this little moments with him.... He will grow up fast and it only last a few months that he feeds like this, I want to pump so this way I can have Oni feed him... I love my little man he makes me feel beautiful:)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The day my life and family became complete
I had an appt at my OBGYN on tuesday Nov 16, it was my NST testing and regular ck up. I was cked and I was only 3cm dilated, I did start getting contractions that day. They at first were only about 8min apart and this is about 8pm, they became sharper so I decided to let Oni know that it might be time for us to take the pups to the Doggie Hotel and I took Akira to my moms, I showered Gena and got her ready to go to her grandparents home.... she came home with a fever so I didn't want her to get Akira sick if she had anything. After I took Akira the pain was closer to 6-7min apart Oni took off and dropped off the dogs, he at the time was getting babys room ready with his crib, the house was a mess.....I did pick up a tad! HAHA
We left the house around 9:20, Gena was with us and the inlaws met us there. I was cked again and I was only 3.5cm..........(Gena was gone minutes after we got there) They had us walking to make me dilate more,it was about 10:30 I think time went QUICK oh and the contractions were 2-3min apart! The walking made them stronger and it became difficult for me to walk anymore so we went back into the triage floor and I was 4cent it was about 11:45...I refused the epidural at that time.... I was determined to have him natural! (YIKES) They admitted me and straight to the delivery floor.......I didnt last long there. They broke my water... and I was given an IV and the pain started to become unbearable, I asked for IV meds....they gave me fentanal and it did reduce the pain but only by 5% it made it a little more comfortable, it was about 12am when I was given the IV helped a bit. While I was on the monitor they noticed his heart beat was getting made me nervous because it reminded me of Akiras labor thats what happened to her and I had to be on oxygen...he was ok after a while though....Poor Oni hadnt eaten so he went to grab food I told him Id be ok, besides his friends came over to see us funny I know but they were around the area so his g/f stayed wth me.... by then it was getting later, pain was harder and the meds werent helping anymore well Oni came back and he can see that I wasnt ok..... he came over to hold my hand and I told him it was hurting to much so the nurse came in, asked if I felt pressure and I screamed YES! his friends took off and I was cked I was 8cm.....grant it I was still having contractions! His heart beat got low again I was already on my side because of the pain.... I kept screaming and I grabbed Onis shirt... I started to cry it was so painful the pressure I felt, they cked me again and I was fully dilated. The Dr wasnt there yet, they had to get the inhouse Dr there was 7ppl from the ER in the room because of his heartbeat.... I started to hyperventilate due to the pain I was crying and screaming.....I think I crushed Onis hand all I can hear was "Lynnette breath u need to get on yr back hes coming " I honestly said "I CANT! IT HURTS" He was born half on my side and they grabbed my legs and delivered him from there his cord was wrapped around his head..=( he was ok I never got my legs on the bars to deliver him, once he was out I thought I was going to pass out.... I cried and started to breath easier , did I mention they put a mask on me?? I was cleaned up and he just cried he was handed over to me =) he was so small and precious.....
Due to him being born so quick he had brusing on his face... his sugars were low so they had to give him formula....I was sooo scared that this would happen! due to my gestational diabetes he was at risk I felt awful! overall after everything he was ok =) the nurses were great and so was the Dr that delivered him. He weighed in at 6lbs 11oz 20in long! Angel Lorenzo Ruiz was here and I was so exhausted but to excited to rest. He took quickly to breast feeding even though he was given formula....yay! While at the hospital everyone knew us as the ones who had a quick delovery and the baby that didnt wait haha..........I didnt know him being born so quick was a risk but I think its that he just rushed quick throught the birth canal...hmmm lol. Hes home now and is 6days old. He sleeps good feeds great! hes perfect <3

We left the house around 9:20, Gena was with us and the inlaws met us there. I was cked again and I was only 3.5cm..........(Gena was gone minutes after we got there) They had us walking to make me dilate more,it was about 10:30 I think time went QUICK oh and the contractions were 2-3min apart! The walking made them stronger and it became difficult for me to walk anymore so we went back into the triage floor and I was 4cent it was about 11:45...I refused the epidural at that time.... I was determined to have him natural! (YIKES) They admitted me and straight to the delivery floor.......I didnt last long there. They broke my water... and I was given an IV and the pain started to become unbearable, I asked for IV meds....they gave me fentanal and it did reduce the pain but only by 5% it made it a little more comfortable, it was about 12am when I was given the IV helped a bit. While I was on the monitor they noticed his heart beat was getting made me nervous because it reminded me of Akiras labor thats what happened to her and I had to be on oxygen...he was ok after a while though....Poor Oni hadnt eaten so he went to grab food I told him Id be ok, besides his friends came over to see us funny I know but they were around the area so his g/f stayed wth me.... by then it was getting later, pain was harder and the meds werent helping anymore well Oni came back and he can see that I wasnt ok..... he came over to hold my hand and I told him it was hurting to much so the nurse came in, asked if I felt pressure and I screamed YES! his friends took off and I was cked I was 8cm.....grant it I was still having contractions! His heart beat got low again I was already on my side because of the pain.... I kept screaming and I grabbed Onis shirt... I started to cry it was so painful the pressure I felt, they cked me again and I was fully dilated. The Dr wasnt there yet, they had to get the inhouse Dr there was 7ppl from the ER in the room because of his heartbeat.... I started to hyperventilate due to the pain I was crying and screaming.....I think I crushed Onis hand all I can hear was "Lynnette breath u need to get on yr back hes coming " I honestly said "I CANT! IT HURTS" He was born half on my side and they grabbed my legs and delivered him from there his cord was wrapped around his head..=( he was ok I never got my legs on the bars to deliver him, once he was out I thought I was going to pass out.... I cried and started to breath easier , did I mention they put a mask on me?? I was cleaned up and he just cried he was handed over to me =) he was so small and precious.....
Due to him being born so quick he had brusing on his face... his sugars were low so they had to give him formula....I was sooo scared that this would happen! due to my gestational diabetes he was at risk I felt awful! overall after everything he was ok =) the nurses were great and so was the Dr that delivered him. He weighed in at 6lbs 11oz 20in long! Angel Lorenzo Ruiz was here and I was so exhausted but to excited to rest. He took quickly to breast feeding even though he was given formula....yay! While at the hospital everyone knew us as the ones who had a quick delovery and the baby that didnt wait haha..........I didnt know him being born so quick was a risk but I think its that he just rushed quick throught the birth canal...hmmm lol. Hes home now and is 6days old. He sleeps good feeds great! hes perfect <3
Thursday, November 18, 2010
He's here:)
I went into labor Tuesday night pain started to become unbearable around 8:45pm..our son was born @1:27am... He's handsome, I'm in love...... I haven't had much sleep.... But I don't mind..... Labor was painful.... I stuck to no epidural .... And also sticking to breast feeding.... I'll post more later<3
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Almost time
Ok I know I've been away, I've been nearing ALOT!! Cleaned and did laundry and also organizing! Lol so the plug is out....I haven't gained anymore weight at all still 25lbs:) yay me! Lol today I'm 38wks.... I'm 3cent dialated and about 50% effaced after being cked I started getting more contractions..... It's scary maybe he'll be here on his own!!!:) yay! The reason I say that is because if I don't have him I'll be induced, which trust me it hurts the reason is since I have gestational diabetes he's at risk to be toooo big which means I'll be at risk for a C section and so on:(
We have his bassinet and Oni bought his crib yesterday:) our bags are ready.... I don't have anything to keep me busy mainly because I know I'll be to excited to read or I'll be in pain! Lol my mom still calls me once a day to see how I feel and Oni just told me his co-wkers are betting as to when I'll have him! Haha it's funny and cute! If I don't go into labor tonight I'll post some pics especially of the crib of it's finished:) wish me Luck!
We have his bassinet and Oni bought his crib yesterday:) our bags are ready.... I don't have anything to keep me busy mainly because I know I'll be to excited to read or I'll be in pain! Lol my mom still calls me once a day to see how I feel and Oni just told me his co-wkers are betting as to when I'll have him! Haha it's funny and cute! If I don't go into labor tonight I'll post some pics especially of the crib of it's finished:) wish me Luck!
Monday, November 8, 2010
37wks and the changes
Well Im back! lol no baby yet.... my plug has come out though which means I can have him from now until next week. Since Im home I have been nesting, seriously I cant imagine not cleaning! I cleaned my windows screens and so on, washed all his 0-3cloths and blankets socks sheets and towels..I still cant see my home being is but Im still on a rampage! Im washing cloths towels and carpets from the bathroom WHY? IM BORED! I already have my bag ready his diaper bag is ready.. the car seat is in my what now? I do feel small contractions, they are painful but they arent close enough or big enough =( waaaaaaa I have done whatever I can to naturally induce the labor.... nada.... just more pain.Im so nervous, I cant believe hes almost here. I feel like I just said I was pregnant and now hes on his way =) I dont have a crib yet that will come once hes big enough to be in his room , for nw hell be in our room. I do plan on breast feeding but Im scared because with the grls I wasnt able to stick to it . Im going to be on top of it though since I really want to try it.....I find myself just rubbing my belly and wondering "wow once day I wont have him there all for me anymore " and to be honest it does make me want to cry =( NO I dont want another right away! I actually dont want anymore, its been to difficult.....My inlaws are already cooking for us they brought over soup last night which was nice, my mom and sister keep calling to see if Im ok=) I do like the attention lol ..... its gone once hes here! another reason I want to clean so much is because once hes here I wont have time to clean and I know ppl will be over to meet him.... and I am one to be embarrssed if its a mess....=/ I know ppl understand but seriously I dont feel like that!! I NEED a clean home!! weird I know Oni says I have OCD! lol naaaa......... I will keep you updated....I have nothing to keep me busy =)
A few picturers........
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