Sunday, May 22, 2011

A mobile baby, or toddler?

Well it's ofical! He's now able to roll back and forth and get to where he wants to be or grab what he wants!!! Does this make him a toddler? he doesn't even sit alone yet! He does do a "military crawl" to push himself forward. We have a sleeping bag my cousin gave our Grls a few years ago which they don't fit into anymore so we spread it out and he has that for the floor so it's softer.... Now that he knows how to move around the poor dogs are scared! He loves them and wants to just grab them and "kiss them" . They just look at us becaus since he's been born it's been "no baby" and they don't touch him... But lately we've been letting them get closer (or their safety not to close lol) they do smell him and try to lick him (ewww!) due to this new stage though he's NOT allowed to nap on our bed:( so he's been using his crib everyday yes even for night time. He is still sick but daddy doesn't want to step backwards so he is in his bed and when he wakes up or I go to work he's in ours. I think I now have to get on the floor and pretend to be him and look for "danger zones".... Wish me luck!

Txs for cking up on him

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sleeping in his crib night 1&2

Ok so we decided that it was time for Angel to sleep in his room. The first night was pretty good we had the monitor on the boxer slept in his room to make sure he was safe (yes were protective) lol we could hear every fuss and movement so it kept us up. We were worried but he was ok:) I did bring him into our room before I got ready for work so he could sleep longer.
Overall night 1 success!

2nd night
ohhhh man! Sooo the difference was that the first night I put him to sleep on top of his comforter, why? He's use to our pillowtop bed and his is harder since it's for babies, the comforter makes it more cushy, well daddy didn't do that he didn't know what I did or why I did it the night before, anyways he was up WAY more than normal so sleep was not part of the night for us. So imagine me and Oni being sleep deprived and having to still function, yes it was a hard day!

3rd night
yesterday oni took Gena and angel to the dr, they both seemed sick Gena had a sore throat and he was just not himself. Well they both cked out fine Gena did have a cold but he was ok. Well last night Oni woke me up at 12 that angel was very stuffy and he wasn't feeling well:( so he slept in our room but wasn't a happy camper. I held him in my arms in a sitting position so he can sleep. Before that daddy took him to his swing so he can let me sleep more.... Once he woke up from there he brought him to me which was fine I told him to bring him so he can also rest. Angel was off and on alseep.... I hope he gets better soon so he can sleep in his crib.

Txs for cking on him

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Angels new favorites

So lately we've noticed he has his favorite litle things, example: for feeding it HAS to be me (lunch and dinner) he won't really allow daddy to feed him in the mornings, so once I get home he smacks his lips to let me know he's hungry. While being changed (diaper) he has to have hid little doggy or a stuffed toy to hug and bite lol it keeps him happy and he wiggled less. He still loves bath time and splashes alot he laughs up a storm when I try to put his clothes on, he blows rasberries and giggles when I say "ewww drooly baby!" he copies us when we laugh he will also start laughing;)<3

Now the not so fun stuff, The past few nights he's been waking up crying for no reason at all..... He's not hungry and isn't wet, doesn't want to be held either (he bit me on my shoulder as proof) yes he's teething but Tylenol didn't help, he hates the orajel so I don't put it on him. I mentioned before he's been backed up that was resolved, so we thought. He was starting to be again so I read up on it and change his eating schedule a bit, just invade he had a stomach ache. He eats cereal in the am (if he let's daddy) when I'm home I give him veggies.... Dinner use to be cereal but I took that away and just give him more veggies and a bottle. I tried that last night and.......

HE SLEPT almost all night! He went down for a nap at 7:30(normal nap time) but at 8ish I went to bed also.... He woke up at 11 and was out within 20min and didn't get up again until 9:30!!!!!:D oh man! That's a record for him! lucky daddy was home I guess this is pay back?:/ lol

Overall he's an awesome baby!

Txs for cking up on him

Monday, May 2, 2011

Silly boy

Angel has a personality! He loves to scream just to scream and pretends to gag and loves being scared. He's now having baby food but lately we've noticed he's "backed up" I googles and found he's able to have prune juice deluted well he wasn't having it he'd drink it male faces and would not want it...i bought prune fruit for him... Same reaction:/ ughh sooo I kept trying he had some but then just looked at me with a serious face and refused to open up. We changed to oatmeal cereal and he's not going to be having apple bananna or carrots for now, honestly, he's like Gena...she has the same issue:( he goes but not like normal and he's more fussy because of it. Overall he's such a good baby.... He loves to be busy and has a monkey jumper cousin Eddie gave him he jumps soooo much until he's tired! Lol his naps are still short but sleeps great at night. He's getting so big:(

if he wants ur attention he'll scream at u! It's cute:) he loves to laugh and splash in the bathtub.... Once he's out and in his crib he acts like he's been wound up and moves alot kicks screams and laugh I look forward to that every night! Lately bed time is 9.... But I'm wking on getting him to bed by 8-8:30 this will give us our time to relax and get ready for the next day...

Thanks for cking up on him:)