Wednesday, April 14, 2010

7 weeks and counting......

As of tuesday I am 7 weeks pregnant ....... here is the link as to what is going on with me and how the baby looks like right now ....I am very excited, no morning sickness but theres ONE symptom I wish I can live without, if youve been pregnant before you know all about the uncomfortable feeling of when your breast swell =( It hurts (sorry if its TMI) I didnt have that big of an issue with Gena until AFTER she was born I think the only reason I think its happening is because I drink sooooo much water, 62oz of ice cold water. I started wking out with weights for my arms and Im doing squats for my legs also I walk everyday even though I dont want to.My eating has gotten ALOT better....I have gained about 5lbs and no more than that I read Im suppose to gain about 2-3lbs a month the first Im good so far! lol Im eating alot more fruit and decaffinated tea's.....I do have cravings and hubby has noticed its mainly sweets, I agree!! I dont want junk food I want ice cream, chocolate and I have them? maybe , sometimes.......XD Next week Im 8 weeks Im super nervous because I have my prenatal appt........YAY!! Im excited and nervous! I will be making a list of questions I have been wanting to ask the Dr....just to be sure I am doing everything I can to be healthy =)


  1. Y la foto??? FOTO FOTO FOTO! LOL

    Good job working out :) You will need that energy for pushing.

    I kinda want to be pregnant again by reading your blog <3

  2. I will leave the pregnancy stuff for you two. I will be the proud cousin who buys the gifts..LOL! Just kidding. I did love being pregnant. I am glad you are working out too. Just be careful, which I am sure you are. Love you.

  3. Oh boy, I just realized you will pregnant ALLLLL summer. You poor girl.

  4. Iris: ummmm lol that's how I felt reading urs while u were pregnant!!;) lol I'm happy to be wking out it makes me feel less guilty when I do eat naughty foods lol I use 7.5 or less weights as I get bigger it will be less, and yup summer pregnancy BUT only when I'm around 6months sooo it won't be soooo bad (I hope)
