Ok ok so I'm late on telling u I'm sure u already know! It a boy!!!! Let me start from the morning of...
Wednesday morning I had an appointment for my ultrasound.. It was me Gena and Oni (akira was at her dads but she made it clear she wished she could be there:(...) I have been really excited and nervous for this day it felt like it was taking FOREVER to get here!! I knew we would need to leave early so I rushed everyone to get up and get going (ofcourse we ate) and I realized I needed to drink tons of water or else I would be rescheduled :( so we went to 7eleven and I got a big ol bottled water and drank mostly all of it , man by the time we got there I sooooo needed to use the restroom!!
I got called in for my ultrasound but prior to that I got a bunch of txts asking if I knew yet!!:) awww ppl from work my sister and my friends were all waiting for me to tell them... Well we walked in the tech cked all if the babys body his heart head limbs and so on... I was amazed I can literally see in details his little hands and feet!!! At one point it was so precious I saw his feet together and they looked perfect.. It's like u were looking at his bottom of his feet and it was detailed:*) his hands and arms looked long to me and he moves ALOT I only feel a few kicks but he was literally moving like he was all hyper...
When she was finally able to tell me what were having she aid " Oh it's a boy" me and Oni both gasped!! I told her "ok don't tease me please make sure please" I'm not going to lie... I started crying..then she turns and says Oh yea this is a boy look!! Omg!! His butt was on the screen (she froze the pix for us to see and she printed it out) and we saw his little long legs and there it was... A boy:*) I couldn't help but tear up more Gena gave Oni a hug and said " now u have ur boy daddy"!! See before we got there she told us she wanted a brother so her daddy can have his baby... In her mind she's my and her gandmas (both) baby because she's a girl and her daddys needed a boy so he can have his baby...:) so she was happy to hear she's having a brother...
Once we were done we debated and decided NOT to tell our parents until we see them that day we bought a picture frame for both so we put the babys ultrasound (his profile not the proof it's a boy lol) and on the bottom it said " it's a boy" oh man once we got in the car his mom called asking what were having..... She wasn't happy when he said shell have to wait even my mom called me a "sangrona" she's been waitng for my call at work since 11 and said even ppl at her work were wanting to know!(I use to work there also) but it was worth the wait when we told my mom (she was told first) she beamed and hugged us both she's so happy for us:) see she knew we wanted another baby so he's planned out and they were all prepared the Grls were more unplanned blessings... hell be soo loved and spoiled I soo can already tell!! My mother inlaw was next.... She cried... My father inlaw was in total shock.... He wanted us to also have a boy...
Akira came home on Friday and when I told her she was excites she has a brother from her dads but she say this one she knows will shave better!!! Hahaha.... Both the Grls can't stop talking to my belly and even say good morning and goodnight to him.. He's not even here yet and he's soooooo loved<3 I can't wait to meet him.... his name has been picked out for a while now... It's not different or unique like the girls and our names.... He's named after 2 extremly special ppl in our lives... Ppl who have made a difference and are held dear in our hearts... But it's a secret until he's born... If u already know it it's because I trust u and know you'll keep it hush hush lol.... Thanks for reading!!!