Lately I feel like Im blowing up....I can feel my tummy sounds weird I know. Last night I had major was awful... I went to bed at 10pm and was awake...I couldnt get into a deep enough sleep=( Maybe it was because I napped for 2hrs from 5-7 never again will I be napping so late. I mentioned before about my lack of appetite...well its still there. This weekend Oni bought me some L&L which I love but ate like 1 1/2 pieces of chicken and a few bites of rice and macaroni salad and was done... looked like I didnt even touch it..that day I ate 2 times and honestly felt ok. I started snacking more often even though Im not hungry and so far its ok but I need to admit its hard to gulp..I feel sick eating when I am not hungry but I do it for the baby, I have lost about 2lbs which Im sure I will gain back before my next appt.
Tomorrow we will find out what we are having !! Im soo excited ppl keep asking me what I want..honestly I want a little boy..BUT a little princess would be awesome also.....Oni and I have been wanting this baby for a while now so what ever God gives me is still a blessing..I feel it move everyday! Mainly at night oh man! Last night he/she was having a little party! haha Everyone has their opinion as to what we are having many say boy....some say girl...someone will be proved wrong tomorrow IF the baby lets us see =) Soooooooooo I will post tomorrow and let u know! =)
Yay! I am excited to hear the news so I can start getting your baby shower gift together. You look great. Love you.