Sunday, January 9, 2011

Busy life!

It's been about over a month since I've been able to blog, Angel is growing so quickly:( I've had to stop bf all together an it breaks my heart... I hve tried all I can to produce more milk but all has failed.... He's stopped latching on for longer than 3min so my milk has been very low I have pumped to make more.... Fail... Less than 1/2 ounce.... That's with both sides he becomes very fussy when he's on.... I rather he feed from a bottle and not be fussy than me be selfish:(.... I stopped about a few days ago... I really fight the urge to latch him on because I know 2sec later he'll cry... I dnt regret trying.... It's made me bond more with him and it lasted 6.5wks.... I'm proud that I lasted that long and wish I wouldve tried with my grls. Since I've stopped he now weighs 11.2lbs .... He's gained more weight which I'd good... I am determined though to make him his baby food when he starts eating I spoke to my fil and he is on board with me:)

He still wakes up every 2-3hrs at night.... But when he is up in the morning he's such a happy baby... He smiles coos and starting to giggle more each day:) it's been hard keepin up with the house and so on but I've managed to clean up but not deep clean.... I have alot of help once Oni is home which is awesome.... I love my little family I'll post some pics soon.... The holidays were extra special this year:)


  1. I miss you and am glad that you drive to Disneyland as often as you do. Otherwise, we are so far away from each other. Thank you for driving so far to hang out. I love you. :)

  2. Awwww I am jealous I want to go to Disney with you. :( I wish I was closer.

    I am sorry it didn't work out for you but you did give it a great effort. I am proud of you.
