Thursday, June 21, 2012
It's time!
So I was reading that normally boys don't start being ready to get potty
trained until about 2.5yrs I thought we had more time with
diapers and that Angel wouldn't be ready until he lets us know that he has
to go. Well guess what, he's been telling us these past couple days that he
has "CaCa" we would check and tell him no you don't baby no he
would start pushing his diaper down.....he does that no matter what.....and
you can see his little cute booty cheeks ^__^.
On Monday he said it and minutes later he we thought aw how
cute he told us he had to go, so the next time he had to go he said it
again we cked and nothing, minutes later he went, so me and Oni thought
hmmmmm lets see where this goes, so yesterday he said it again and he
started pulling is diaper off walking around and we had him stop doing that
since last time he went and I didn't notice he got it all over him (yes the
most disgusting sight ever!!) so he stopped and we pulled up his diaper and
minutes later again he went.....So I told Oni that's it we need to get him
a potty one that will block his peepee I don't need pee on the floor. So
I'm hoping he continues to let us know, even though its only number #2 I
hear that's the hardest one to have them do in the potty. If I can get him
potty trained before the baby gets here I would be SOOOOOO happy!!! now I
just need to get him OFF the bottle, yes Oni and my FIL encourage it to
much, I rather he not use it he's to big, I actually need to hide them!!!
haha........and he needs to be in his own bed but for now he can still
sleep with me.......I will let you know how it goes! Once I get the potty
it will be time to work on it I'm just hoping I get support from my in-laws
Monday, June 18, 2012
11wks and kids updates
Well I'm already 11wks, no major changes other than the typical sleepiness,
I'm always tired, if I nap it would be for over an hour, I'm still nauseous
if I don't eat on time which is every 2-3hrs unless I have a really big
lunch. I am already showing, which is normal for me....I keep hearing my
mom and others say I'm wide so it must be a girl, honestly I'm OK no matter
what I'm given I have 2 beautiful daughters, and a handsome son, but if its
a boy it would work out great since I have tons of Angels cloths and boy
toys, they wouldn't need more since by the time the baby is old enough it
would be interested in cars and balls don't really need alot of
toys, you'll notice some parents have alot of them and they only play with
a small amount it can be overwhelming for the child, we use to put some
away for Gena and left some out, then about 6mon later trade the toys so it
would be as if she has new ones.....with Angel we have kept it simple thank
goodness! Also if its a boy they can have bunk beds!!! awww I had those and
loved it! but again as long as this baby is born healthy and I have no
medical issues I will be happy and blessed besides if its a girl I know my
sister has TONS of beautiful baby girl cloths and the kids can share for a
while.....Onis the one not comfortable with a boy and girl sharing but I'm
sure it wouldn't be forever......=)
Angel has been acting out some, if he doesn't get his way he screams. Its
the siren scream that's really high pitched. makes peoples head turn. He
will throw himself to the floor if he doesn't want you to take him
somewhere and if you say OK bye, he walks away from you, he will be a
challenge since he's in the testing stage in his life. He is learning not
to pinch, I do pinch him back but not hard to make marks I tell him no that
hurts he kisses my arm or where he tried pinching and says I kiss his also to show that it does hurt and we shouldn't, with
Gena he's still pinching alot but she wont move him until he's done which
doesn't help, Akira will stop him and turn him to face her...she holds his
hands and talks to him sternly and says "No pinching! it hurts me...." and
he kisses her. She's become a better sister with him since she's older
she's been a BIG help lately......she is not on her meds at the moment
since she's on break but she's trying really hard to focus when we talk to
her and follow directions but I can see its hard for her, but she's
rewarded with time on her FB so she loves it lol
Gena is acting out when Akira is home, she makes it look like Akira does
things but its really her....Oni has caught her more than once, she will
not listen and will ignore us or talk back to my in-laws I'm sure she's
doing it for attention but now she's being put on time-out......we will
also be doing that with Angel of course one minute per age......I do hope
and pray by the time this baby is born that the issues will be worked
out.......with the younger kids and that Akira continues to be her
best.....I LOVE and adore my kids to pieces.....cant wait to add another
blessing and LAST blessing....I told my Dr already I will NOT leave until
my tubes are tied! haha....OK thanks for cking on us =)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Akira all grown....
Akira has grown-up so quickly, she turned 12 and graduated 6th grade the same week. Since her birthday was falling on her dads weekend, we decided to take her out on Memorial Day, she chose Corvettes Diner.......we were seated in a groovy part of the restaurant, it had black lights and when you would lift your cup or phone from the table it would leave a shadow it was pretty neat. That day she asked me to do her hair, and if she could wear some makeup since it was her special day, oh man! So I straightened her hair, and put some soft pink blush, a coat of mascara and some shimmer eye shadow and she put some lip gloss on and she looked soooo big!!! =( Everyone kept saying she looks more like me, which to her is a compliment.....I HOPE! haha.....anyway my mom and sisters her kids and friends came along with us to have lunch, while there we mentioned that it was her birthday so after she ate, they brought over a BIG ol batch of cotton candy!!! then sang her a birthday song.....she loved it. Later on a friend of ours had a song sent out to her from their speaker it was sweet.
After lunch, we went home and had cake and ice cream, which I couldn't touch I was sooo full.....but she enjoyed her day.
Days later, she graduated from elementary. She was a roller coaster of emotions, excited scared, sad. The day came and AGAIN mommy did her hair and makeup, her dad was there with his gf and son, his mom and my mom and older sister were there, Oni stayed home and I took the small kids with me. I was so happy to see her finish school but it makes me feel old! after they had some cake and in the auditorium they had a slide show of pictures from the past, she was sooo small when she started in that school!!! I cant believe she will be in Jr High in a few more weeks, Oni has been on her about how she dresses now, she's got a shape on her! so no shorts that we can see booty if you bend over, no holes in your jeans that are close to your crotch area, he hates that on her, and of course no low cut shirts, luckily I have a very modest daughter she hasn't embraced that she has boobies! yay! Which I'm glad about, some girls flaunt them she doesn't........lets hope this stays like that! anyway she's a big girl now and lately has been well behaved, I pray she continues her education until she finished college.....I know its a long way down that road but its a dream that she does what her heart desires be it in music acting or teaching .
Thanks for cking on us!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Expecting the unexpected....AGAIN!
So as you may know I'm pregnant, it was totally unplanned but its ok I'm very happy and excited now. Let me tell you first how and when I found out. I was SET on not having anymore.........I made a appointment and saw my Dr and discussed getting my tubed tied, we agreed on the procedure it was going to be a bilateral tubal ligation.....a week later they called me and gave me my appointment for my surgery and for my pre-op....that was a Thursday, the next day I still haven't got my YKW so I took a pregnancy test, I took a test the week before also JUST INCASE...and that time it was negative, but that day it was slow in showing results so my heart dropped..............I saw 2lines, I was shaking and went to the bed room and woke up Oni who was still asleep, I told him "I'm pregnant," all he said was "No your not" so I shook him again and said yes I am go look! he got up and looked and asked if I was mad lol he knew I was not looking for more kids but I was not mad I was scared. I told him I will be ok and I put it away and just finished getting ready, I was shaking so much I couldn't do my makeup. I felt sick ((nervous)) went to work and went to my friends desk and cried.....she asked what was wrong and I told her she was very comforting and said God has his plans you'll be ok......after a few weeks it set in more and me and Oni were ok..... I told my mom and sister and they were in-laws same reaction I kept hearing " Weren't you done??" UM YA! but it happens.....I do know that my kids are BEYOND excited they keep asking if I know what I'm having yet or if its moving yet. My son will only be 2yrs and 1.5mon by the time I'm due which is January 06 , 2013.........
I had my first Dr appt yesterday they did the initial 100000000 questions, then it was time for them to ask when my LMP was, ummmm not sure, I have had it every other week for 18mon!!! =( so I got a ultrasound, it made it MORE real.............I saw its little heart flutter, and moving around all I can think was WOW you snuck into my womb and now I love you and cant wait to see and hold you.....yes this baby is a ninja! it knew I was done and thought nope one more mommy! hahaha.....well that's all for now, I do have some symptoms, I am showing since its my 4th child... ((wow)) and I get some nausea but tons of being sleepy....thanks for cking on us.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Quick weekend trip
This past Saturday we decide to take the little ones to Sea World, we got new passes since the ones we previously had expired. It would be Angels first time since he's been 1yr last time we went he wasn't fully attentive so this was going to be exciting, first show we saw was Sea Lions Live......his face was PRICELESS!!! He literally covered his mouth giggling!! he wanted the Sea lions he kept telling them to come here lol we couldn't help but laugh.
We then let him walk some , keep in mind he's still learning, I will post a video of him but he took a few steps only it was very crowded.
He also enjoyed the Shark Encounter he kept growling at them son they aren't scared of you! While daddy and Gena went to another ride he and I snuck away and got some candy =) he loves chocolate so I got us some and heres a picture of him enjoying it.......he ofcourse overate and started spitting them out after the picture!
Me and Gena went on a ride called Rip-tide something lol OMG I wanted to die! it was fast and I honestly felt it was going to break, its located near the Turtles they have there now.......Angel also enjoyed that ALOT.........he kept looking in awww...............I love his new stage of just watching things to see how they go......he does that to his cars also he flips them upside down and just turns the wheels..........
We didn't stay to long it was very cold but they both enjoyed the small trip, Angel passed out for a good 1.5hrs!
Friday, April 20, 2012
First day of basketball practice
Yesterday the girls had their first basketball practice, when I picked up Gena from my in-laws she was so excited and nervous, she couldn't wait! But when I got Akira from school her attitude shined............she said she doesn't want to do it and that its boring to her if she can only do soccer I being the loving mother said "No you will NOT quit before you even try it! You WILL do it because you refuse to do anything else other than sit on the couch and lounge around all day, you refuse to go running with me and this is the ONLY way I can make sure you do something healthy for your body so NO you WILL do both sports" Yes I'm soooo sweet hahaha, ok listen I'm not trying to be a mean pushy mom but if I keep giving in to them then I'm being a push over, I had to remind her that she quit Karate when it got to hard.....I didn't fight her about it at the time, but now I regret not pushing her to keep doing it I refuse to allow my kids to give up when things get hard, its a lesson that even though your not wanting to do something its best to just keep doing it knowing that in the end you'll learn to become a better person, in this case a sport. I took them to practice and of course Angel was a busy body he made me walk him outside where there was grass, God forbid I got close to the doors he would pull away and scream he didn't want to be inside he walked on the grass (alone) and was laughing up a storm because I would walk away from him and telling him "uhoh get me hurry" I watched some of the practice and they were doing pretty good! I have to admit, Akira is really good at catching the sport, she ALMOST made a basket but at first she was just standing there looking pretty holding her arm......ugh I would do the same! lol but then she got into the end I asked them what they thought and Gena LOVED it and wants to keep both sports Akira still didn't want to so I told her no you have NO choice your sticking to this because in Jr High you WILL play different sports its nothing like Elementary and I don't want you to not know how to play and if you don't make it to practice I will have your aunt get you I will be here each time since Gena will be here, she said ok, with an attitude but she said ok lol I know I sound mean but there's very little I push my kids on.....I make sure they make healthy choices...I don't allow certain shows to be watched....but with sports I think if we don't push our kids they will grow up to be lazy and unknowing to any sports..I wish my mom would've pushed me!! I don't think I would've been so over weight if she did......I'm not blaming her I'm just wanting to do things differently, I want the kids to have what I wish I could've had or did have...........Ill be supportive no matter what but certain things are not up to them, I don't know many kids especially Akiras age that want to be active lol wish me luck!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
New adventurers!
Well Angel turned 17mon yesterday, we had an orthopedic appointment to ck up on his arm that he fractured, while we were waiting I remembered I had to get change for the parking which was $3 so I went to their Mc Donald's (which is inside the Children's Hospital specialist waiting room) and got him some small fries and me a coffee (I've been super sleepy) so while waiting he munched on some fries and then we were called, I did read that your child can not have food or drink BEFORE being seen but I didn't make much of it....besides it was only a follow up right?? AHHH! He had to get another x-ray (DUH) and the second he sat down..............WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Well then I was asked, "Does he have food in his mouth?" Yes the lady looked annoyed lol I said yes he does but he wont throw up, she says no its more concern of choking (crap) so I tried calming him down and hold his arm out and man! I was getting embarrassed he wasn't having it............sooo she said "Stop Ill get someone to help and hold him down" (man was I red!) so ok they held him and done........once in the room while waiting he was OK.....turned out his fracture is 100% GONE! wooohoo!
After his appointment I needed to get Gena and take her to soccer practice, yes the girls are now in soccer its a free program where my sister lives and its classes for kids up to 16 I think and they will also be doing basketball on Thursdays......its only an hour long but its good for them to learn the basics and they run ALOT! Akira was with my sister and they met us there....Angel wasn't happy being all in his stroller.......oh poor Gena held back tears a few times, she's soo sensitive!!!! its kind of annoying because if she misses the ball boom she wants to cry, we are trying to toughen her up some and tell her its ok and to stop crying...were not being mean, were teaching her that its normal to not be perfect and that its ok to make mistakes and that its a learning experience oh boy!! I had to tell Akira to be quiet sooo many times she kept mouthing to me "she's such a baby!" ughhh these girls!! lol its a must to show Gena more about being a good sport......and Akira to show her how to play, Akira is good at soccer, but she doesn't have the stamina to keep up so that's my focus with her she refuses to go running with its a waiting game as to when shell be ready to start working on it......well see.
After practice the girls said they enjoyed playing woohoo! so I went to my in-laws to drop off Gena (she wanted to spend the night and had homework) well once we were there my MIL showed me something she's been working on with Angel.......she makes him walk back and forth from the couches......OMG!! He walked! and kept walking lol but not for long but once home he walked more and more SCARY! EXCITED!! Oni isn't ready for him to be a big boy.....he wanted more kids and I'm done 100%.......that's another blog lol. So yes Angel is now walking more (off and on) and the girls are now in Soccer on Tuesdays and basketball on Thursdays..................Lord help me
After his appointment I needed to get Gena and take her to soccer practice, yes the girls are now in soccer its a free program where my sister lives and its classes for kids up to 16 I think and they will also be doing basketball on Thursdays......its only an hour long but its good for them to learn the basics and they run ALOT! Akira was with my sister and they met us there....Angel wasn't happy being all in his stroller.......oh poor Gena held back tears a few times, she's soo sensitive!!!! its kind of annoying because if she misses the ball boom she wants to cry, we are trying to toughen her up some and tell her its ok and to stop crying...were not being mean, were teaching her that its normal to not be perfect and that its ok to make mistakes and that its a learning experience oh boy!! I had to tell Akira to be quiet sooo many times she kept mouthing to me "she's such a baby!" ughhh these girls!! lol its a must to show Gena more about being a good sport......and Akira to show her how to play, Akira is good at soccer, but she doesn't have the stamina to keep up so that's my focus with her she refuses to go running with its a waiting game as to when shell be ready to start working on it......well see.
After practice the girls said they enjoyed playing woohoo! so I went to my in-laws to drop off Gena (she wanted to spend the night and had homework) well once we were there my MIL showed me something she's been working on with Angel.......she makes him walk back and forth from the couches......OMG!! He walked! and kept walking lol but not for long but once home he walked more and more SCARY! EXCITED!! Oni isn't ready for him to be a big boy.....he wanted more kids and I'm done 100%.......that's another blog lol. So yes Angel is now walking more (off and on) and the girls are now in Soccer on Tuesdays and basketball on Thursdays..................Lord help me
Friday, March 23, 2012
No more stinky!
Well yesterday we took Angel to his orthopedic appointment, they called us in and straight to take off his cast, he sat on my lap while daddy helped comfort him.They put a towel under his arm and thats when he started crying I think he remembered last time we were there, they did the samething before putting the cast on. I made the mistake of asking alot of questions about the saw getting close to the skin, yup it can and will cut geez can he atleast lie to me?? I got nervous but I held onto my baby boy tight and they started sawing away, he did ok he cried but stopped now and then to watch....the saw made a loud noise it vibrated on his arm and also made it warm. Once it was off they cut the rest away and dad requested to keep it (ewww) I was sooo happy to have that thing off his arm was STINKY!!!!!!!!! but then we found out no cleaning his arm for an hour .
After the cast was removed we were sent for an x-ray to see how his fracture was, he did ok he did fuss but not much, he was just nervous since last time it hurt to stretch his arm. Once that was done we waited in the room which seemed FOREVER but the Dr came in and said "Good news, he doesnt need a cast" Ok well let me rephrase that, he still has a fracture but its surrounded with a callous and you can see the fracture, she brought in a copy of the x-ray, she suggested we keep it off so it can keep healing or we could put it back on, Oni wanted it back on but she did say that if he crawls the pressure will help the bones press together so we agreed to keep it off, I told him to tell her thank you and to blow a kiss but he leaned forward and rested his head on her (his way of hugging) HE NEVER DOES THAT TO ANYONE HE DOESNT KNOW!!
Once we were gone we made a 3week fu appointment to make sure his fracture is gone by then he does have a bump on his arm where the callous is but that should go away in about 6-9months!!! =( Onve in the car he was soooo happy!! clapping and dancing away it was sweet....he crawled at first like he still had his cast on but it back to normal stomping on his arms lol we do need to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesnt reinjure himself.......=) oh and he got a GOOD long bath and I made sure his arm was super clean!!!
thanks for cking on him!
After the cast was removed we were sent for an x-ray to see how his fracture was, he did ok he did fuss but not much, he was just nervous since last time it hurt to stretch his arm. Once that was done we waited in the room which seemed FOREVER but the Dr came in and said "Good news, he doesnt need a cast" Ok well let me rephrase that, he still has a fracture but its surrounded with a callous and you can see the fracture, she brought in a copy of the x-ray, she suggested we keep it off so it can keep healing or we could put it back on, Oni wanted it back on but she did say that if he crawls the pressure will help the bones press together so we agreed to keep it off, I told him to tell her thank you and to blow a kiss but he leaned forward and rested his head on her (his way of hugging) HE NEVER DOES THAT TO ANYONE HE DOESNT KNOW!!
Once we were gone we made a 3week fu appointment to make sure his fracture is gone by then he does have a bump on his arm where the callous is but that should go away in about 6-9months!!! =( Onve in the car he was soooo happy!! clapping and dancing away it was sweet....he crawled at first like he still had his cast on but it back to normal stomping on his arms lol we do need to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesnt reinjure himself.......=) oh and he got a GOOD long bath and I made sure his arm was super clean!!!
thanks for cking on him!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Well last week was Angels orthopedic appointment, they did some x-rays and they found out he had a closed fracture of the ulna on his right forearm....he ended up getting a cast..........oh Lord he screamed and cried when they were putting it on him, I think it was more fear than pain (I hope) since getting it done though he's been VERY hyper *please note he is NORMALLY hyper* he became more himself and not so grumpy anymore my poor baby. The first night with it on he wasn't a happy sleeper, he was up some and ended up getting more Motrin for his pain, but once it was the weekend he slept all night again YAY!!!! Since then he's been good about sleeping not waking up at all and still being his silly self. Last night he got a haircut , so I needed to give him a bath, well note to self NO HAIRCUTS WITH A CAST!! It was hard!! we've taken him a bath already but this time it was harder because the hair was on his neck and back which made it hard for me and Oni to take off while being careful with his cast......
Today he has his 15mon physical, I know he's getting shots which I might ask if they can wait until his cast is off, even though its on his legs I still don't want it to be to much for him, then again he's behind a month in his physicals =/ AHHH!!
OH!! he says new words, he tells the dogs, "Go....Go....(points to the kitchen when we need to leave lol)
Down.....Down ( to Jedi when he gets on the couch.)
Oni (his daddy's name he started saying it this weekend)
Nikka (well its a friends name but its Nikko lol not sure why he says Nikka lol)
Jehovah (he says it like hova -in-laws teach him Jehovah es amor...)
If my in-laws ask him where is Jehovah, he looks up =) and when they pray for his food he puts his hands on his head ha-ha so cute
New Discoveries
He has also discovered how to use a pen with a paper =)
He started picking his nose!! ((eww) so when I catch him I say no no nasty! (he shakes his finger saying no no lol)
If I say ewww stinky he does the smelly face and waves his hand lol
Himself =l not happy about that I know its normal and maybe TMI sorry.....but I have to rush when I change him.....
So that's all, Angel has one more week with his cast it will be on only for 2wks, they will re-ck his arm to see if he still needs it on....I PRAY this doesn't traumatize him
Today he has his 15mon physical, I know he's getting shots which I might ask if they can wait until his cast is off, even though its on his legs I still don't want it to be to much for him, then again he's behind a month in his physicals =/ AHHH!!
OH!! he says new words, he tells the dogs, "Go....Go....(points to the kitchen when we need to leave lol)
Down.....Down ( to Jedi when he gets on the couch.)
Oni (his daddy's name he started saying it this weekend)
Nikka (well its a friends name but its Nikko lol not sure why he says Nikka lol)
Jehovah (he says it like hova -in-laws teach him Jehovah es amor...)
If my in-laws ask him where is Jehovah, he looks up =) and when they pray for his food he puts his hands on his head ha-ha so cute
New Discoveries
He has also discovered how to use a pen with a paper =)
He started picking his nose!! ((eww) so when I catch him I say no no nasty! (he shakes his finger saying no no lol)
If I say ewww stinky he does the smelly face and waves his hand lol
Himself =l not happy about that I know its normal and maybe TMI sorry.....but I have to rush when I change him.....
So that's all, Angel has one more week with his cast it will be on only for 2wks, they will re-ck his arm to see if he still needs it on....I PRAY this doesn't traumatize him
Monday, March 5, 2012
Kids updates
Gena's silly sayings
On Saturday I was getting ready to do a wkout, Gena has been asking me if she can do a workout with me so when she saw me ready she got excited and said she was going to join I popped in the dvd and she was doing pretty good with the warm up, then it started getting more high tempo and quick, for her age she did pretty good!! But then she turned around and said " Mom I'm sweating like a pancake!" hahaha....... she says the darndest things!!! she makes me laugh alot!
Well later on that day, we all had an eye appointment, she had to try on some glasses and what does she say " oh man I look to good in these" ya she has NO issue with her self esteem!!
I was taking off her nail polish on Sunday, and she's had it on since before Valentines........her comment while I'm doing it? Mom I've had this on for a thousand years!!" yes my little Gena is a character!!!
Angels Adventurers
Well its been a while since I've wrote about him. He's everywhere!! he doesn't walk much yet but man this boy can crawl like there's no tomorrow!!
Let me tell you, he needs to be bubble wrapped!
First last Thursday, he was on the couch, he climbs it all the time and we normally keep a good eye on him because we don't want him to fall but we don't want to restrict him to much, well he was on the edge where the hand rest is..............all I heard in the bathroom ( I was getting the tub ready for him) Oni said " Angel NO! ANGEL!!: ((bump....waaaaaaaa)) *sigh* he fell and Oni said he folded!! I held him close and made sure he was ok, he was tired RIGHT after and it scared us so I kept him up and took him a bath, he was up all night crying so I took him to the Dr the following day, he had a rug burn on the back of his head =( ay this boy!!!
The following Monday, well he was wanting to walk , so he walked to Oni and back and forth ALOT he loved hearing us applaud and he was getting very excited.............well he got a tad to excited, he tripped =( he hurt his elbow, it was swollen and bruised! Gena started freaking out, Oni of course was freaking out and crying, I stayed calm I had to...but I was scared, he wouldn't move his arm....we couldn't touch it he would scream so I grabbed him and took him straight to the ER, they did an x-ray and said he was ok.....I don't believe them , we took him to his Dr and she ordered him to see a specialist so I'm taking him on the 8th of March, for now he's finally crawling again but he cant and wont let us bend his arm like before =( I hope he's ok.....he's a very active child and I'm sure we have more visits coming up in our future to his Dr's...................
She's getting sooooooooooo big =( she's becoming such a beautiful young lady, she has her days and moments she's going to be 12, I sometimes feel like I have no control with her, but again I was once her age. I have done my best to be a good parent.......while we were at the Eye Dr she did try to give me an attitude, I told her that the phone they were playing with is my phone, she said no its mine, I had to remind her that it was MY old phone and that she needs to watch her mood.......regardless if were in public I CANT let her think its ok to talk a certain way, she doesn't do it to make a scene..........she does it without thinking which she does often, its a preteen thing I guess .......I do see me in her that's why I am how I am with her. Oni and her have a good bond, they do argue and she hates him like a normal teen does her dad when she's in trouble, but then she loves him alot when she's behaving and they do things together he always assures her that he loves her and he does things to help her be successful and doesn't want her to fail, due to her having to be shared in custody we need to be harder on her, why? She has different rules and expectations...... we expect alot from her because we know she's capable........ shell be heading to 6 grade camp in a couple of weeks then soon will be Jr High, Im so nervous because shes my baby girl, my first daughter and I have no clue what to expect....with Gena I will be prepared ......Im sure shell do great and will enjoy being parent free, sadly she goes on the week I have her, but I have told her before I rather her go than to be home with me, its a life experience.....I enjoyed my time at camp......I cant wait to hear her stories!!! =)
On Saturday I was getting ready to do a wkout, Gena has been asking me if she can do a workout with me so when she saw me ready she got excited and said she was going to join I popped in the dvd and she was doing pretty good with the warm up, then it started getting more high tempo and quick, for her age she did pretty good!! But then she turned around and said " Mom I'm sweating like a pancake!" hahaha....... she says the darndest things!!! she makes me laugh alot!
Well later on that day, we all had an eye appointment, she had to try on some glasses and what does she say " oh man I look to good in these" ya she has NO issue with her self esteem!!
I was taking off her nail polish on Sunday, and she's had it on since before Valentines........her comment while I'm doing it? Mom I've had this on for a thousand years!!" yes my little Gena is a character!!!
Angels Adventurers
Well its been a while since I've wrote about him. He's everywhere!! he doesn't walk much yet but man this boy can crawl like there's no tomorrow!!
Let me tell you, he needs to be bubble wrapped!
First last Thursday, he was on the couch, he climbs it all the time and we normally keep a good eye on him because we don't want him to fall but we don't want to restrict him to much, well he was on the edge where the hand rest is..............all I heard in the bathroom ( I was getting the tub ready for him) Oni said " Angel NO! ANGEL!!: ((bump....waaaaaaaa)) *sigh* he fell and Oni said he folded!! I held him close and made sure he was ok, he was tired RIGHT after and it scared us so I kept him up and took him a bath, he was up all night crying so I took him to the Dr the following day, he had a rug burn on the back of his head =( ay this boy!!!
The following Monday, well he was wanting to walk , so he walked to Oni and back and forth ALOT he loved hearing us applaud and he was getting very excited.............well he got a tad to excited, he tripped =( he hurt his elbow, it was swollen and bruised! Gena started freaking out, Oni of course was freaking out and crying, I stayed calm I had to...but I was scared, he wouldn't move his arm....we couldn't touch it he would scream so I grabbed him and took him straight to the ER, they did an x-ray and said he was ok.....I don't believe them , we took him to his Dr and she ordered him to see a specialist so I'm taking him on the 8th of March, for now he's finally crawling again but he cant and wont let us bend his arm like before =( I hope he's ok.....he's a very active child and I'm sure we have more visits coming up in our future to his Dr's...................
She's getting sooooooooooo big =( she's becoming such a beautiful young lady, she has her days and moments she's going to be 12, I sometimes feel like I have no control with her, but again I was once her age. I have done my best to be a good parent.......while we were at the Eye Dr she did try to give me an attitude, I told her that the phone they were playing with is my phone, she said no its mine, I had to remind her that it was MY old phone and that she needs to watch her mood.......regardless if were in public I CANT let her think its ok to talk a certain way, she doesn't do it to make a scene..........she does it without thinking which she does often, its a preteen thing I guess .......I do see me in her that's why I am how I am with her. Oni and her have a good bond, they do argue and she hates him like a normal teen does her dad when she's in trouble, but then she loves him alot when she's behaving and they do things together he always assures her that he loves her and he does things to help her be successful and doesn't want her to fail, due to her having to be shared in custody we need to be harder on her, why? She has different rules and expectations...... we expect alot from her because we know she's capable........ shell be heading to 6 grade camp in a couple of weeks then soon will be Jr High, Im so nervous because shes my baby girl, my first daughter and I have no clue what to expect....with Gena I will be prepared ......Im sure shell do great and will enjoy being parent free, sadly she goes on the week I have her, but I have told her before I rather her go than to be home with me, its a life experience.....I enjoyed my time at camp......I cant wait to hear her stories!!! =)
Friday, January 6, 2012
I know its been a long time since Ive blogged....sorry but I cant log into it from work and once Im home I dont seem to sit down until I need to get into heres the updates:
Angel is cruising around crawls silly (military and normal) climbs the couches and gets down feet first.....talks (in his own language) laughs at EVERTYTHING you laugh playful and loves to bite ME............=( OUCH!!!
He now weighs about 24lbs and is 32in long hes considered in the 80%/85% in weight and height.....which is ok. He loves to eat.....alot. He has his favorites, blueberry syrup (he doesnt like it) so I use butter spray....he likes cream of wheat with cinnamon and vanilla in it.....
he now likes peanut butter sandwhiches quesadillas, soups with veggies chicken nuggets *no we dont feed him this all the time*
he drinks out of a straw and sippycup, I AM trying to get him off the bottle BUT some ppl arent rushing lol he likes juice now and water but more water than anything ofcourse!! he loves his veggies.........=) and some fruits.
He wants ANYTHING your eating!!! he tries anything once not picky, he doesnt like eggs....carrots (no matter how small) canned chicken soups (thank goodness!!) and syrup..... or banana!!!! nope he doesnt like it....
Ok so let me tell you a recent story, one day Oni called me telling me that Angel was in the hallway.....(ok and?) we have an ottoman to block him from entering the kitchen and a baby gate for the hall, he CLIMBED the ottoman got into the kitchen AND ate the dog food scattered it all over the floor AND knocked their water everywhere!!! Jedi (our boxer) ran to get Oni (he was in genas room) and kept running back and forth....Oni had no idea what he needed so he heard Angel in the hallway and decided to ck the kitchen..........thats when he discovered our little hurricanes mess!! haha I couldnt help but laugh.... so he put the other gate behind the ottoman to make it harder for him to get through....well...Angel got onto the ottoman and tried pushing the gate and climb over it....yes hes very determined and very stubborn!!!!!!!!!
He is a big handful! he sleeps in our bed sometimes....I KNOW!! but I love him there.....he sleeps all night so its ok =) we discovered he has mild eczema on his face and now we need to be more careful when we wipe his face, no wipes on his face only water which is hard to remember when we need something quick, but we have a cream for it and its helping, =)
Oh and hes a flirt!! he loves looking at ladies and smiling and hes social.....hes 13mon right now and has become such a big boy sorry its taken me a long time to update you!! Ill do my best to keep you posted on his little antics=)
thanks for cking on us!
Angel is cruising around crawls silly (military and normal) climbs the couches and gets down feet first.....talks (in his own language) laughs at EVERTYTHING you laugh playful and loves to bite ME............=( OUCH!!!
He now weighs about 24lbs and is 32in long hes considered in the 80%/85% in weight and height.....which is ok. He loves to eat.....alot. He has his favorites, blueberry syrup (he doesnt like it) so I use butter spray....he likes cream of wheat with cinnamon and vanilla in it.....
he now likes peanut butter sandwhiches quesadillas, soups with veggies chicken nuggets *no we dont feed him this all the time*
he drinks out of a straw and sippycup, I AM trying to get him off the bottle BUT some ppl arent rushing lol he likes juice now and water but more water than anything ofcourse!! he loves his veggies.........=) and some fruits.
He wants ANYTHING your eating!!! he tries anything once not picky, he doesnt like eggs....carrots (no matter how small) canned chicken soups (thank goodness!!) and syrup..... or banana!!!! nope he doesnt like it....
Ok so let me tell you a recent story, one day Oni called me telling me that Angel was in the hallway.....(ok and?) we have an ottoman to block him from entering the kitchen and a baby gate for the hall, he CLIMBED the ottoman got into the kitchen AND ate the dog food scattered it all over the floor AND knocked their water everywhere!!! Jedi (our boxer) ran to get Oni (he was in genas room) and kept running back and forth....Oni had no idea what he needed so he heard Angel in the hallway and decided to ck the kitchen..........thats when he discovered our little hurricanes mess!! haha I couldnt help but laugh.... so he put the other gate behind the ottoman to make it harder for him to get through....well...Angel got onto the ottoman and tried pushing the gate and climb over it....yes hes very determined and very stubborn!!!!!!!!!
He is a big handful! he sleeps in our bed sometimes....I KNOW!! but I love him there.....he sleeps all night so its ok =) we discovered he has mild eczema on his face and now we need to be more careful when we wipe his face, no wipes on his face only water which is hard to remember when we need something quick, but we have a cream for it and its helping, =)
Oh and hes a flirt!! he loves looking at ladies and smiling and hes social.....hes 13mon right now and has become such a big boy sorry its taken me a long time to update you!! Ill do my best to keep you posted on his little antics=)
thanks for cking on us!
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