Monday, March 5, 2012

Kids updates

Gena's silly sayings

On Saturday I was getting ready to do a wkout, Gena has been asking me if she can do a workout with me so when she saw me ready she got excited and said she was going to join I popped in the dvd and she was doing pretty good with the warm up, then it started getting more high tempo and quick, for her age she did pretty good!! But then she turned around and said " Mom I'm sweating like a pancake!" hahaha....... she says the darndest things!!! she makes me laugh alot!

Well later on that day, we all had an eye appointment, she had to try on some glasses and what does she say " oh man I look to good in these" ya she has NO issue with her self esteem!!

I was taking off her nail polish on Sunday, and she's had it on since before Valentines........her comment while I'm doing it? Mom I've had this on for a thousand years!!" yes my little Gena is a character!!!

Angels Adventurers

Well its been a while since I've wrote about him. He's everywhere!! he doesn't walk much yet but man this boy can crawl like there's no tomorrow!!
Let me tell you, he needs to be bubble wrapped!

First last Thursday, he was on the couch, he climbs it all the time and we normally keep a good eye on him because we don't want him to fall but we don't want to restrict him to much, well he was on the edge where the hand rest is..............all I heard in the bathroom ( I was getting the tub ready for him) Oni said " Angel NO! ANGEL!!: ((bump....waaaaaaaa)) *sigh* he fell and Oni said he folded!! I held him close and made sure he was ok, he was tired RIGHT after and it scared us so I kept him up and took him a bath, he was up all night crying so I took him to the Dr the following day, he had a rug burn on the back of his head =( ay this boy!!!

The following Monday, well he was wanting to walk , so he walked to Oni and back and forth ALOT he loved hearing us applaud and he was getting very excited.............well he got a tad to excited, he tripped =( he hurt his elbow, it was swollen and bruised! Gena started freaking out, Oni of course was freaking out and crying, I stayed calm I had to...but I was scared, he wouldn't move his arm....we couldn't touch it he would scream so I grabbed him and took him straight to the ER, they did an x-ray and said he was ok.....I don't believe them , we took him to his Dr and she ordered him to see a specialist so I'm taking him on the 8th of March, for now he's finally crawling again but he cant and wont let us bend his arm like before =( I hope he's ok.....he's a very active child and I'm sure we have more visits coming up in our future to his Dr's...................


She's getting sooooooooooo big =( she's becoming such a beautiful young lady, she has her days and moments she's going to be 12, I sometimes feel like I have no control with her, but again I was once her age. I have done my best to be a good parent.......while we were at the Eye Dr she did try to give me an attitude, I told her that the phone they were playing with is my phone, she said no its mine, I had to remind her that it was MY old phone and that she needs to watch her mood.......regardless if were in public I CANT let her think its ok to talk a certain way, she doesn't do it to make a scene..........she does it without thinking which she does often, its a preteen thing I guess .......I do see me in her that's why I am how I am with her. Oni and her have a good bond, they do argue and she hates him like a normal teen does her dad when she's in trouble, but then she loves him alot when she's behaving and they do things together he always assures her that he loves her and he does things to help her be successful and doesn't want her to fail, due to her having to be shared in custody we need to be harder on her, why? She has different rules and expectations...... we expect alot from her because we know she's capable........ shell be heading to 6 grade camp in a couple of weeks then soon will be Jr High, Im so nervous because shes my baby girl, my first daughter and I have no clue what to expect....with Gena I will be prepared ......Im sure shell do great and will enjoy being parent free, sadly she goes on the week I have her, but I have told her before I rather her go than to be home with me, its a life experience.....I enjoyed my time at camp......I cant wait to hear her stories!!! =)


  1. Jazzy went to camp too. She loved it. It really helped prepare her for Jr High because she didn't have to worry about where her classes where. I prepared her at home by having several conversations with her regarding teen isssues. Yes, even the dreaded sex talk...still PG-13 rated though. You have to prepare them because things have changed A LOT since we were their age. They hear things that they shouldn't even have to think about at their age. I would rather Jazzy hear the truth from me then from another peer. It can be hard to adjust to JR HIGH and the pressures of becoming a teen but that is why a strong family foundation is so important. Jazzy also knows she can tell me anything even if she is embarrassed to ask. At age 9 she asked me about BJ's and I almost lost my mind. She heard a little girls talk about them. She said "ewww why would anyone want to do that". LOLLL! It made my heart hurt to have to explain it to her but she was going to be exposed to it eventually and I would rather it be me who explained it to her. :) Good luck with Akira. I am sure she will be just fine. :)

    Gena is adorable. She doesn't lack confidence. That is for sure.

  2. Thank you so much! This was a lot of fun to read and catch up. I loved the part where Gena says that she was sweating like a pancake LMAO! :D Super cute. I am glad you are taking extra steps to make sure Angel is ok. I will be praying that all goes well on Thursday. Ay Akira. I love her and miss her so much. She is such a sweet soul.

  3. Moni: Ya Akira has had MANY talks with us and shes not to ok with it but its important that they know from us and not the kids at school PLUS she had sex ed in school and she will come home all freaked out! lol and hair a mess she says she hides under her hoodie because its embarrssing haha

    Iris: thanks! as you know hes in a cast now ..=( well be extra careful from now on with his arm Im scared hell get hurt again......
