Thursday, December 2, 2010
Enough or not still doing it
Ok so I've been hard on about breast feeding, I got a pump in hopes that I can hand Angel to Oni so I can do more at home, well once he nursed I pumped and nada:( I know I'm hard on myself come on I just fed him right? So he only fed on one side so I pumped the opposite one,1/2oz!!! What?! I'm glad I can go to my cousin for advice she's been bf her handsome son since birth and I know I can go to her and shell keep me encouraged, she sent me a link and mentioned she also didn't get much after feedings (I felt better). I read that coffee helps who wouldve thought! I've been avoiding it. In the am I drink oatmeal... And water. I kept trying to pump yesterday and only got 1oz I poured it in a bottle that had formula... Yes he still gets formula, he's gaining slowly so until he's reached a good weight I need to suppliment but he doesn't get it all the time and still bf very well. This am he fell asleep after feeding on one side so I thought I'd pump the other and see what I get... Geez I'm discouraged:( very little! I won't give up even though I wanted to throw my hands up ... I drank more water and oatmeal and coffee.... I read to pump every 45min and it will produce more I'll keep doing what I'm doing and PRAY I make more I feel like he deserves it and I bond more with him:) I'm reading up on it I really want to keep it up.... I'm not drinking as much water ad before so I know I need to change that! I'm still nervous about feeding him in public I do have a cover but he hates when I'm walking during his feedings, he gets fussy I think it's because he moves around and detaches ... I'm wking on it though! Thanks for cking up on us;)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Less sleep more diapers
Well since I breast feed he sleeps less because he digest the milk quicker....@__@ I'm exhausted. He weighs 6.4oz he lost 10% so he was only 6lbs. His Dr was concerned because he was still a little yellow so she asked me to also give him some formula so he can gain weight quicker, she is not for bottle but she wanted him to be out of the woods for jaundice. I was very hesitant, but for him I did it he drank first from both sides.... Then 1/2-1oz of formula after.... He gained 4oz so he's ok now:) yay! He feeds more also he use to last 10-15min but now it's 20min unless he's falling asleep, he has more wet and dirty diapers also. He sleeps better at night but day time he's up more often it becomes overwhelming sometimes.... Yesterday I cried.... I was only able to shower eat breakfast and brush my teeth.... I eat quick. Oni does help as much as he can, changes diapers and burps him , he'll hold him when he's not wanting to eat. But that will last a few minutes then it's all me again. I'm grateful I have family to lean on.... While I cried Oni said he understands... I know he tries to but doesn't 100%..... he is the one that wanted me to BF I wasn't on board... Now I am 100% and he even said it's ok if I decide to stop I won't though...even Gena said it's ok mommy we love u... Oni doesn't expect the house to be clean an dinner made... It's me who wants to have things done but now it's become clear I need to nap when Angel does and if I can't clean oh well... Like my cousin said... I need to enjoy this little moments with him.... He will grow up fast and it only last a few months that he feeds like this, I want to pump so this way I can have Oni feed him... I love my little man he makes me feel beautiful:)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The day my life and family became complete
I had an appt at my OBGYN on tuesday Nov 16, it was my NST testing and regular ck up. I was cked and I was only 3cm dilated, I did start getting contractions that day. They at first were only about 8min apart and this is about 8pm, they became sharper so I decided to let Oni know that it might be time for us to take the pups to the Doggie Hotel and I took Akira to my moms, I showered Gena and got her ready to go to her grandparents home.... she came home with a fever so I didn't want her to get Akira sick if she had anything. After I took Akira the pain was closer to 6-7min apart Oni took off and dropped off the dogs, he at the time was getting babys room ready with his crib, the house was a mess.....I did pick up a tad! HAHA
We left the house around 9:20, Gena was with us and the inlaws met us there. I was cked again and I was only 3.5cm..........(Gena was gone minutes after we got there) They had us walking to make me dilate more,it was about 10:30 I think time went QUICK oh and the contractions were 2-3min apart! The walking made them stronger and it became difficult for me to walk anymore so we went back into the triage floor and I was 4cent it was about 11:45...I refused the epidural at that time.... I was determined to have him natural! (YIKES) They admitted me and straight to the delivery floor.......I didnt last long there. They broke my water... and I was given an IV and the pain started to become unbearable, I asked for IV meds....they gave me fentanal and it did reduce the pain but only by 5% it made it a little more comfortable, it was about 12am when I was given the IV helped a bit. While I was on the monitor they noticed his heart beat was getting made me nervous because it reminded me of Akiras labor thats what happened to her and I had to be on oxygen...he was ok after a while though....Poor Oni hadnt eaten so he went to grab food I told him Id be ok, besides his friends came over to see us funny I know but they were around the area so his g/f stayed wth me.... by then it was getting later, pain was harder and the meds werent helping anymore well Oni came back and he can see that I wasnt ok..... he came over to hold my hand and I told him it was hurting to much so the nurse came in, asked if I felt pressure and I screamed YES! his friends took off and I was cked I was 8cm.....grant it I was still having contractions! His heart beat got low again I was already on my side because of the pain.... I kept screaming and I grabbed Onis shirt... I started to cry it was so painful the pressure I felt, they cked me again and I was fully dilated. The Dr wasnt there yet, they had to get the inhouse Dr there was 7ppl from the ER in the room because of his heartbeat.... I started to hyperventilate due to the pain I was crying and screaming.....I think I crushed Onis hand all I can hear was "Lynnette breath u need to get on yr back hes coming " I honestly said "I CANT! IT HURTS" He was born half on my side and they grabbed my legs and delivered him from there his cord was wrapped around his head..=( he was ok I never got my legs on the bars to deliver him, once he was out I thought I was going to pass out.... I cried and started to breath easier , did I mention they put a mask on me?? I was cleaned up and he just cried he was handed over to me =) he was so small and precious.....
Due to him being born so quick he had brusing on his face... his sugars were low so they had to give him formula....I was sooo scared that this would happen! due to my gestational diabetes he was at risk I felt awful! overall after everything he was ok =) the nurses were great and so was the Dr that delivered him. He weighed in at 6lbs 11oz 20in long! Angel Lorenzo Ruiz was here and I was so exhausted but to excited to rest. He took quickly to breast feeding even though he was given formula....yay! While at the hospital everyone knew us as the ones who had a quick delovery and the baby that didnt wait haha..........I didnt know him being born so quick was a risk but I think its that he just rushed quick throught the birth canal...hmmm lol. Hes home now and is 6days old. He sleeps good feeds great! hes perfect <3

We left the house around 9:20, Gena was with us and the inlaws met us there. I was cked again and I was only 3.5cm..........(Gena was gone minutes after we got there) They had us walking to make me dilate more,it was about 10:30 I think time went QUICK oh and the contractions were 2-3min apart! The walking made them stronger and it became difficult for me to walk anymore so we went back into the triage floor and I was 4cent it was about 11:45...I refused the epidural at that time.... I was determined to have him natural! (YIKES) They admitted me and straight to the delivery floor.......I didnt last long there. They broke my water... and I was given an IV and the pain started to become unbearable, I asked for IV meds....they gave me fentanal and it did reduce the pain but only by 5% it made it a little more comfortable, it was about 12am when I was given the IV helped a bit. While I was on the monitor they noticed his heart beat was getting made me nervous because it reminded me of Akiras labor thats what happened to her and I had to be on oxygen...he was ok after a while though....Poor Oni hadnt eaten so he went to grab food I told him Id be ok, besides his friends came over to see us funny I know but they were around the area so his g/f stayed wth me.... by then it was getting later, pain was harder and the meds werent helping anymore well Oni came back and he can see that I wasnt ok..... he came over to hold my hand and I told him it was hurting to much so the nurse came in, asked if I felt pressure and I screamed YES! his friends took off and I was cked I was 8cm.....grant it I was still having contractions! His heart beat got low again I was already on my side because of the pain.... I kept screaming and I grabbed Onis shirt... I started to cry it was so painful the pressure I felt, they cked me again and I was fully dilated. The Dr wasnt there yet, they had to get the inhouse Dr there was 7ppl from the ER in the room because of his heartbeat.... I started to hyperventilate due to the pain I was crying and screaming.....I think I crushed Onis hand all I can hear was "Lynnette breath u need to get on yr back hes coming " I honestly said "I CANT! IT HURTS" He was born half on my side and they grabbed my legs and delivered him from there his cord was wrapped around his head..=( he was ok I never got my legs on the bars to deliver him, once he was out I thought I was going to pass out.... I cried and started to breath easier , did I mention they put a mask on me?? I was cleaned up and he just cried he was handed over to me =) he was so small and precious.....
Due to him being born so quick he had brusing on his face... his sugars were low so they had to give him formula....I was sooo scared that this would happen! due to my gestational diabetes he was at risk I felt awful! overall after everything he was ok =) the nurses were great and so was the Dr that delivered him. He weighed in at 6lbs 11oz 20in long! Angel Lorenzo Ruiz was here and I was so exhausted but to excited to rest. He took quickly to breast feeding even though he was given formula....yay! While at the hospital everyone knew us as the ones who had a quick delovery and the baby that didnt wait haha..........I didnt know him being born so quick was a risk but I think its that he just rushed quick throught the birth canal...hmmm lol. Hes home now and is 6days old. He sleeps good feeds great! hes perfect <3
Thursday, November 18, 2010
He's here:)
I went into labor Tuesday night pain started to become unbearable around 8:45pm..our son was born @1:27am... He's handsome, I'm in love...... I haven't had much sleep.... But I don't mind..... Labor was painful.... I stuck to no epidural .... And also sticking to breast feeding.... I'll post more later<3
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Almost time
Ok I know I've been away, I've been nearing ALOT!! Cleaned and did laundry and also organizing! Lol so the plug is out....I haven't gained anymore weight at all still 25lbs:) yay me! Lol today I'm 38wks.... I'm 3cent dialated and about 50% effaced after being cked I started getting more contractions..... It's scary maybe he'll be here on his own!!!:) yay! The reason I say that is because if I don't have him I'll be induced, which trust me it hurts the reason is since I have gestational diabetes he's at risk to be toooo big which means I'll be at risk for a C section and so on:(
We have his bassinet and Oni bought his crib yesterday:) our bags are ready.... I don't have anything to keep me busy mainly because I know I'll be to excited to read or I'll be in pain! Lol my mom still calls me once a day to see how I feel and Oni just told me his co-wkers are betting as to when I'll have him! Haha it's funny and cute! If I don't go into labor tonight I'll post some pics especially of the crib of it's finished:) wish me Luck!
We have his bassinet and Oni bought his crib yesterday:) our bags are ready.... I don't have anything to keep me busy mainly because I know I'll be to excited to read or I'll be in pain! Lol my mom still calls me once a day to see how I feel and Oni just told me his co-wkers are betting as to when I'll have him! Haha it's funny and cute! If I don't go into labor tonight I'll post some pics especially of the crib of it's finished:) wish me Luck!
Monday, November 8, 2010
37wks and the changes
Well Im back! lol no baby yet.... my plug has come out though which means I can have him from now until next week. Since Im home I have been nesting, seriously I cant imagine not cleaning! I cleaned my windows screens and so on, washed all his 0-3cloths and blankets socks sheets and towels..I still cant see my home being is but Im still on a rampage! Im washing cloths towels and carpets from the bathroom WHY? IM BORED! I already have my bag ready his diaper bag is ready.. the car seat is in my what now? I do feel small contractions, they are painful but they arent close enough or big enough =( waaaaaaa I have done whatever I can to naturally induce the labor.... nada.... just more pain.Im so nervous, I cant believe hes almost here. I feel like I just said I was pregnant and now hes on his way =) I dont have a crib yet that will come once hes big enough to be in his room , for nw hell be in our room. I do plan on breast feeding but Im scared because with the grls I wasnt able to stick to it . Im going to be on top of it though since I really want to try it.....I find myself just rubbing my belly and wondering "wow once day I wont have him there all for me anymore " and to be honest it does make me want to cry =( NO I dont want another right away! I actually dont want anymore, its been to difficult.....My inlaws are already cooking for us they brought over soup last night which was nice, my mom and sister keep calling to see if Im ok=) I do like the attention lol ..... its gone once hes here! another reason I want to clean so much is because once hes here I wont have time to clean and I know ppl will be over to meet him.... and I am one to be embarrssed if its a mess....=/ I know ppl understand but seriously I dont feel like that!! I NEED a clean home!! weird I know Oni says I have OCD! lol naaaa......... I will keep you updated....I have nothing to keep me busy =)
A few picturers........
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Lately I've been very busy, I will post picturers but Oni has my laptop and won't be back from his business trip until tonight:( lately I've been frustrated, I have gestational diabetes and no matter what I do my levels stay high in the afternoon!!! No always but enough that I now have to take a small pill:( ok so I took this pill an hr before I ate, ummm yea didn't help!!!! It's the highest ever!!! Ahhhhh!!160 is not ok! I'm upset and want to just throw my arms in the air and cry and kick and scream. I know the dangers if it's not under control, would I prefer insulin???? Sadly, yes. Why? Wks quicker..... A pill takes longer to breakdown.... I will keep taking it but only becaue I'm determined to have it under control.... This really makes me think twice , before I wouldn't worry about getting diabetes.... Now that I have GD I'm more at risk than makes me realize I need to be extra careful..... I'm venting so I'm sorry, I've had a wonderful pregnancy and very few issues and had a great baby shower.... Just at this moment I needed to get my frustrations out thanks for listening I'll post more about the good things once I get my laptop:)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
27,28 and more..........
At 27 weeks I feek sooo round =)
28 weeks..........hes starting to become more active...
Ok well I found out I have gestational diabetes =( I have been given advice from a friend who also has it but its also her 2nd time going through it, my first class is the 24th.........I have to admit its taken me time to realize its real... I never wouldve thought that I would have it, No Im not special and Im not someone who feels that I am immune its just that with the grls I always passed the 3hr test... I have fought sooo much to avoid diabetes and to control my cholesterol BEFORE pregnancy... so I thought Id be ok again....Oni did some researching and he told me it was unavoidable....
I know it will be hard but I know this is for him and Im willing to do what it takes...but I know hell be tested for it when hes born and also the fact that Im at risk for a C-Section..........AHHH!!
On a GOOD NOTE: Im getting the hang of his schedule... hes very active in the morning around when I get up.... then he seems to nap for about an hr to 2.... then hes up again he moves alot more! Oni hasnt been able to feel him but lately hes been able to feel him Gena even felt him..I want to be able to know his schedule before hes born, with the grls I learned every time Id get up to use the restroom is when they would also wake up at night...I cant wait I have been on an emotional roller coaster Im MORE moody!! ughh things bug me easily... poor grls..theyve been ok but Akira is open about it and tells me that I have been more moody..I tell her alot of things are going on and just ask her to behave....I wont tell her I have been to the hospital to that now I have GB, I dont want to concern her... she will get nervous and its not a burden I want her to carry.
Im excited that tomorrow we will get a tour of the hospital =) YAY! And now Im also offically in my 3rd trimester.... WOW!!! Never thought Id get there!! I have about 12 weeks left almost 11 because on Tuesday I will be 29 weeks =) OMG!! But funny how 11wks is about 2months and 3weeks but in reality your preg for almost 10mon!! But I feel hell be here before his due date =)Im excited also because in about 2 weeks is my shower!! woohoo! thanks for cking up on me =)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Trip to Triage
Ok sooo yesterday I was instructed to go to Triage at Mary Birch, its a well known hospital in San Diego the main reason isnt because its only for labor and delivery ( all 5 floors ) but also Childrens Hospital is near it incase your baby needs extra attention. Let me start from the beginning:
Around 2:04pm I was getting MANY Braxton Hicks.....and they werent leaving .... so at 2:30 I called my ob left a message with the nurse and waited. I got home and did the normal which is clean take the pups out and so on. I recieved a call from my Dr and she said if I was getting them 4-6 times in an hr to go to the hospital as a precautionary..UGHHHHHHHHH so I started counting........1......2......3....FREAK!! 4! I called Oni since he was still at wk... he came rushing even though I told him I was we were walking into the hospital I got another as we cked in another as I was explained how to fill out the questionare another! AND as I was put into the room for monitoring ANOTHER!! OK!! they cked my b/p and it was a tad high....119/82 (82 is high) I told the RN I had a "contraction" as I was in the room and she said she wasnt worried and shell reck it... well they hooked me up... I love hearing his heart! You can also hear him kicking and moving haha he was LOUD!
Anywho they did some testing.........painful testing.....ughh dont wanna talk about that....... but Oni held my hand through it he was sooo tired from wk and was also hungry never complained <3.... well I had about 3 within the hr I was there....she talked to the Dr on call and said I could go home! YAY! BUT to be on rest today (thurs) and not to do much...boooo... and what does Oni say " I tell her to just relax but she doesnt listen " um yea thanks babe! Ok I admit its hard to not do anything when : I have the grls the pups and to clean and cook...BUT he never complains when the house isnt spotless and understands the dogs cant be taken out to run around if I dont feel good he does that when he gets home...which is 8pm =(
So I will learn to not do much I did make the beds and mop.......Oni was here so he made sure I was ok I havent had any more B.H contractions.... YAY ME but was told if I had more than 4- 6 in and hr again to go in.... and if I DONT stop being on my feet all the time I will get bed rest....=( So I called in today... and all I need to do is get Gena at 1pm and get the car is a maybe...
I will upload the 27wk picture soon!! thanks for cking up on me =)
Around 2:04pm I was getting MANY Braxton Hicks.....and they werent leaving .... so at 2:30 I called my ob left a message with the nurse and waited. I got home and did the normal which is clean take the pups out and so on. I recieved a call from my Dr and she said if I was getting them 4-6 times in an hr to go to the hospital as a precautionary..UGHHHHHHHHH so I started counting........1......2......3....FREAK!! 4! I called Oni since he was still at wk... he came rushing even though I told him I was we were walking into the hospital I got another as we cked in another as I was explained how to fill out the questionare another! AND as I was put into the room for monitoring ANOTHER!! OK!! they cked my b/p and it was a tad high....119/82 (82 is high) I told the RN I had a "contraction" as I was in the room and she said she wasnt worried and shell reck it... well they hooked me up... I love hearing his heart! You can also hear him kicking and moving haha he was LOUD!
Anywho they did some testing.........painful testing.....ughh dont wanna talk about that....... but Oni held my hand through it he was sooo tired from wk and was also hungry never complained <3.... well I had about 3 within the hr I was there....she talked to the Dr on call and said I could go home! YAY! BUT to be on rest today (thurs) and not to do much...boooo... and what does Oni say " I tell her to just relax but she doesnt listen " um yea thanks babe! Ok I admit its hard to not do anything when : I have the grls the pups and to clean and cook...BUT he never complains when the house isnt spotless and understands the dogs cant be taken out to run around if I dont feel good he does that when he gets home...which is 8pm =(
So I will learn to not do much I did make the beds and mop.......Oni was here so he made sure I was ok I havent had any more B.H contractions.... YAY ME but was told if I had more than 4- 6 in and hr again to go in.... and if I DONT stop being on my feet all the time I will get bed rest....=( So I called in today... and all I need to do is get Gena at 1pm and get the car is a maybe...
I will upload the 27wk picture soon!! thanks for cking up on me =)
Monday, August 23, 2010
25 / 26 and some testing
So far I feel good, tired ofcourse but like I have mentioned before appetite has been a minimum, a few weekends ago we went to Disneyland, all I ate was
am:decafe coffee 1 cup only
left over donut Gena picked at.threw away the rest didnt like it
lunch: chicken strips few fries and YUP sprite....
snack: cherries YUM!
pm: tried a burger.... tasted different it was good, but I wasnt super hungry I didnt finish the fries again lol
thats all and we walked ALOT....yes my feet hurt at the end but I DID my best to keep up! we went for Genas bday and with some family (mom sis hubby cousin Iris and her huby and baby Eddie and ofcourse Gena) .
Once I hit about 24-25 weeks this is what happens at the end of the day =(

I asked my Dr and as long as my b/p is normal Im ok but MAN its uncomfortable! I elevate my feet at night avoid things with salt (hard but I try) drink tons of water and stay in the shade... I have started to wear sandles more because its hard to use tennis due to 1: tieing the shoe laces and 2: taking them OFF!! LOL yes its hard!

My belly is SOOOOOO round!! lol and it gets hard QUICK! its super uncomfortable walking for to long now, its at times painful because little man likes to lay on areas where the nervs get pinched =( and I waddle...sometimes

I walked into my 26 week appt...........gained 4lbs!! woohoo I say yay because last time it was 9! they told me I would gain alot during 6 months and up.... ;)
I also was surprised when I was walked into the room look what they handed me!

I got called today, I FAILED !!!!! =( This normally happens with all my pregnancies but let me tell you IM NERVOUS...........Im dreading the 3hr I cant stand not eating for 3hrs and having to stay in the lab also it makes me sick... like ughhh I wanna vomit!! I hope and PRAY I pass it this time, I always do but its the waiting I cant stand I have an appt Sept 4 at 8:20 .. I have avoided the gestational diabetes all the time..........and I CANT help but to think " how long can I avoid it?" I eat ok, but I do crave starches which is a no no.......PRAY FOR ME! lol
I have bought a few outfits for my little man, sooooo excited! I will be 7months in 2 more weeks!! AHHHHHHHHHH............. Im not ready but yet I am!! I have been planning my shower and I started my baby registry online we will be adding to it this weekend =)
am:decafe coffee 1 cup only
left over donut Gena picked at.threw away the rest didnt like it
lunch: chicken strips few fries and YUP sprite....
snack: cherries YUM!
pm: tried a burger.... tasted different it was good, but I wasnt super hungry I didnt finish the fries again lol
thats all and we walked ALOT....yes my feet hurt at the end but I DID my best to keep up! we went for Genas bday and with some family (mom sis hubby cousin Iris and her huby and baby Eddie and ofcourse Gena) .
Once I hit about 24-25 weeks this is what happens at the end of the day =(
I asked my Dr and as long as my b/p is normal Im ok but MAN its uncomfortable! I elevate my feet at night avoid things with salt (hard but I try) drink tons of water and stay in the shade... I have started to wear sandles more because its hard to use tennis due to 1: tieing the shoe laces and 2: taking them OFF!! LOL yes its hard!
My belly is SOOOOOO round!! lol and it gets hard QUICK! its super uncomfortable walking for to long now, its at times painful because little man likes to lay on areas where the nervs get pinched =( and I waddle...sometimes
I walked into my 26 week appt...........gained 4lbs!! woohoo I say yay because last time it was 9! they told me I would gain alot during 6 months and up.... ;)
I also was surprised when I was walked into the room look what they handed me!
I got called today, I FAILED !!!!! =( This normally happens with all my pregnancies but let me tell you IM NERVOUS...........Im dreading the 3hr I cant stand not eating for 3hrs and having to stay in the lab also it makes me sick... like ughhh I wanna vomit!! I hope and PRAY I pass it this time, I always do but its the waiting I cant stand I have an appt Sept 4 at 8:20 .. I have avoided the gestational diabetes all the time..........and I CANT help but to think " how long can I avoid it?" I eat ok, but I do crave starches which is a no no.......PRAY FOR ME! lol
I have bought a few outfits for my little man, sooooo excited! I will be 7months in 2 more weeks!! AHHHHHHHHHH............. Im not ready but yet I am!! I have been planning my shower and I started my baby registry online we will be adding to it this weekend =)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
21 and 23 weeks
Where to start..... Oh yea weight gain....:| so far I have gained 21lbs!!!!!:O wth!! My doctor did not seem concerned at all.... She said that during 5-6mths is when I will gain the most.... I'm scared:( when I mentioned this to Oni is was confused.... He even admitted "I don't see you eat alot" and I don't.... Not like some other pregnant women. I eat my breakfast which is normally cereal with 1% milk and I have fruit and yogurt for snacks. I think the reason for the big weight gain is due to not wking out like I use to AND not being on a "diet". I can gain weight QUICKLY if I'm not careful but all I can do is continue to walk everyday for 30min and eat healthy and in moderation.
Oh... Did I mention I'm getting Braxton hicks? Yup she said the more pregnancies you have the sooner you'll feel things.... No wonder when it happens I stop what I'm doing and just breath it's sooooo uncomfortable!!! I wasnt able to load a picture through my phone soo this post has been waiting patiently for me to post it!! SORRY!

I personally feel BIG but others say I dont, my sister tells me Im small compared to the grls because "Your not as fat as you were when you got pregnant with them..." WHAT!? LOL ok true but still I have a basket ball in my tummy.
I didnt take a picture when I was 22weeks I forgot =( BUT I did remember my 23 week =)

So far Im feeling good.........still getting the tumyy tightening =( and its uncomfortable to lay down so now I have 2 body pillow one in front the second on my back. Also I notice when I sit down it takes me a tad longer to get up especially from my couch and bed =I umm yea sad right?! haha...Im eating good and drinking tons of water and hes ACTIVE!!!!!!!! He loves to kick and move I started to feel him roll a little more like if hes swimming and doing little flips I know soon he wont be able to do that alot...hes growing alot hes about as long as an ear of corn and about a pound or a little more. =) awww my little corn on the cob <3
Oh... Did I mention I'm getting Braxton hicks? Yup she said the more pregnancies you have the sooner you'll feel things.... No wonder when it happens I stop what I'm doing and just breath it's sooooo uncomfortable!!! I wasnt able to load a picture through my phone soo this post has been waiting patiently for me to post it!! SORRY!
I personally feel BIG but others say I dont, my sister tells me Im small compared to the grls because "Your not as fat as you were when you got pregnant with them..." WHAT!? LOL ok true but still I have a basket ball in my tummy.
I didnt take a picture when I was 22weeks I forgot =( BUT I did remember my 23 week =)
So far Im feeling good.........still getting the tumyy tightening =( and its uncomfortable to lay down so now I have 2 body pillow one in front the second on my back. Also I notice when I sit down it takes me a tad longer to get up especially from my couch and bed =I umm yea sad right?! haha...Im eating good and drinking tons of water and hes ACTIVE!!!!!!!! He loves to kick and move I started to feel him roll a little more like if hes swimming and doing little flips I know soon he wont be able to do that alot...hes growing alot hes about as long as an ear of corn and about a pound or a little more. =) awww my little corn on the cob <3
Saturday, July 17, 2010
5 months and more pixs
I turned 5 months last week........I know Im late in posting but its been sooooooooooooooo HOT! lol this is me at 5months and also the picture of our baby boy's ultrasound =)
Its been wonderful so far... The heat has really gotten to me though my ankles have been extremly swollen and Im super bloated. I have cankles! haha Its been super hard to sleep at night I toss and turn and it takes time for me to be in deep sleep and by the time I actually fall asleep its time to wake up =( you can say I have been napping alot at work on my breaks. The baby has been more active and loves to kick me and just let me know hes there the familys response has been AMAZING towards him...more and more I hear that Im really popping out. I feel like I have a big ol basket ball in my tummy haha. My mom and I have started getting things ready for the baby shower little by little were getting items well need like decorations, its so exciting. You know what is soooo funny?? I CANT SEE MY TOES!!!! I can barely tie my shoes haha I have to sortof place my ankle on my thigh not sure if I make any sense? I still walk for 30min on my breaks but by the time I come back my feet ache my hands are swollen and my ankles start swelling also... water has been a total must but I feel like its never enough come on I drink 60oz of water! Im counting down the months until our little man is here....4more!! Its been so quick! I feel like I just wrote down that we found out were pregnant!!
Thanks for reading! =)
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's a .....
Ok ok so I'm late on telling u I'm sure u already know! It a boy!!!! Let me start from the morning of...
Wednesday morning I had an appointment for my ultrasound.. It was me Gena and Oni (akira was at her dads but she made it clear she wished she could be there:(...) I have been really excited and nervous for this day it felt like it was taking FOREVER to get here!! I knew we would need to leave early so I rushed everyone to get up and get going (ofcourse we ate) and I realized I needed to drink tons of water or else I would be rescheduled :( so we went to 7eleven and I got a big ol bottled water and drank mostly all of it , man by the time we got there I sooooo needed to use the restroom!!
I got called in for my ultrasound but prior to that I got a bunch of txts asking if I knew yet!!:) awww ppl from work my sister and my friends were all waiting for me to tell them... Well we walked in the tech cked all if the babys body his heart head limbs and so on... I was amazed I can literally see in details his little hands and feet!!! At one point it was so precious I saw his feet together and they looked perfect.. It's like u were looking at his bottom of his feet and it was detailed:*) his hands and arms looked long to me and he moves ALOT I only feel a few kicks but he was literally moving like he was all hyper...
When she was finally able to tell me what were having she aid " Oh it's a boy" me and Oni both gasped!! I told her "ok don't tease me please make sure please" I'm not going to lie... I started crying..then she turns and says Oh yea this is a boy look!! Omg!! His butt was on the screen (she froze the pix for us to see and she printed it out) and we saw his little long legs and there it was... A boy:*) I couldn't help but tear up more Gena gave Oni a hug and said " now u have ur boy daddy"!! See before we got there she told us she wanted a brother so her daddy can have his baby... In her mind she's my and her gandmas (both) baby because she's a girl and her daddys needed a boy so he can have his baby...:) so she was happy to hear she's having a brother...
Once we were done we debated and decided NOT to tell our parents until we see them that day we bought a picture frame for both so we put the babys ultrasound (his profile not the proof it's a boy lol) and on the bottom it said " it's a boy" oh man once we got in the car his mom called asking what were having..... She wasn't happy when he said shell have to wait even my mom called me a "sangrona" she's been waitng for my call at work since 11 and said even ppl at her work were wanting to know!(I use to work there also) but it was worth the wait when we told my mom (she was told first) she beamed and hugged us both she's so happy for us:) see she knew we wanted another baby so he's planned out and they were all prepared the Grls were more unplanned blessings... hell be soo loved and spoiled I soo can already tell!! My mother inlaw was next.... She cried... My father inlaw was in total shock.... He wanted us to also have a boy...
Akira came home on Friday and when I told her she was excites she has a brother from her dads but she say this one she knows will shave better!!! Hahaha.... Both the Grls can't stop talking to my belly and even say good morning and goodnight to him.. He's not even here yet and he's soooooo loved<3 I can't wait to meet him.... his name has been picked out for a while now... It's not different or unique like the girls and our names.... He's named after 2 extremly special ppl in our lives... Ppl who have made a difference and are held dear in our hearts... But it's a secret until he's born... If u already know it it's because I trust u and know you'll keep it hush hush lol.... Thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday morning I had an appointment for my ultrasound.. It was me Gena and Oni (akira was at her dads but she made it clear she wished she could be there:(...) I have been really excited and nervous for this day it felt like it was taking FOREVER to get here!! I knew we would need to leave early so I rushed everyone to get up and get going (ofcourse we ate) and I realized I needed to drink tons of water or else I would be rescheduled :( so we went to 7eleven and I got a big ol bottled water and drank mostly all of it , man by the time we got there I sooooo needed to use the restroom!!
I got called in for my ultrasound but prior to that I got a bunch of txts asking if I knew yet!!:) awww ppl from work my sister and my friends were all waiting for me to tell them... Well we walked in the tech cked all if the babys body his heart head limbs and so on... I was amazed I can literally see in details his little hands and feet!!! At one point it was so precious I saw his feet together and they looked perfect.. It's like u were looking at his bottom of his feet and it was detailed:*) his hands and arms looked long to me and he moves ALOT I only feel a few kicks but he was literally moving like he was all hyper...
When she was finally able to tell me what were having she aid " Oh it's a boy" me and Oni both gasped!! I told her "ok don't tease me please make sure please" I'm not going to lie... I started crying..then she turns and says Oh yea this is a boy look!! Omg!! His butt was on the screen (she froze the pix for us to see and she printed it out) and we saw his little long legs and there it was... A boy:*) I couldn't help but tear up more Gena gave Oni a hug and said " now u have ur boy daddy"!! See before we got there she told us she wanted a brother so her daddy can have his baby... In her mind she's my and her gandmas (both) baby because she's a girl and her daddys needed a boy so he can have his baby...:) so she was happy to hear she's having a brother...
Once we were done we debated and decided NOT to tell our parents until we see them that day we bought a picture frame for both so we put the babys ultrasound (his profile not the proof it's a boy lol) and on the bottom it said " it's a boy" oh man once we got in the car his mom called asking what were having..... She wasn't happy when he said shell have to wait even my mom called me a "sangrona" she's been waitng for my call at work since 11 and said even ppl at her work were wanting to know!(I use to work there also) but it was worth the wait when we told my mom (she was told first) she beamed and hugged us both she's so happy for us:) see she knew we wanted another baby so he's planned out and they were all prepared the Grls were more unplanned blessings... hell be soo loved and spoiled I soo can already tell!! My mother inlaw was next.... She cried... My father inlaw was in total shock.... He wanted us to also have a boy...
Akira came home on Friday and when I told her she was excites she has a brother from her dads but she say this one she knows will shave better!!! Hahaha.... Both the Grls can't stop talking to my belly and even say good morning and goodnight to him.. He's not even here yet and he's soooooo loved<3 I can't wait to meet him.... his name has been picked out for a while now... It's not different or unique like the girls and our names.... He's named after 2 extremly special ppl in our lives... Ppl who have made a difference and are held dear in our hearts... But it's a secret until he's born... If u already know it it's because I trust u and know you'll keep it hush hush lol.... Thanks for reading!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
18 and 19 weeks
Lately I feel like Im blowing up....I can feel my tummy sounds weird I know. Last night I had major was awful... I went to bed at 10pm and was awake...I couldnt get into a deep enough sleep=( Maybe it was because I napped for 2hrs from 5-7 never again will I be napping so late. I mentioned before about my lack of appetite...well its still there. This weekend Oni bought me some L&L which I love but ate like 1 1/2 pieces of chicken and a few bites of rice and macaroni salad and was done... looked like I didnt even touch it..that day I ate 2 times and honestly felt ok. I started snacking more often even though Im not hungry and so far its ok but I need to admit its hard to gulp..I feel sick eating when I am not hungry but I do it for the baby, I have lost about 2lbs which Im sure I will gain back before my next appt.
Tomorrow we will find out what we are having !! Im soo excited ppl keep asking me what I want..honestly I want a little boy..BUT a little princess would be awesome also.....Oni and I have been wanting this baby for a while now so what ever God gives me is still a blessing..I feel it move everyday! Mainly at night oh man! Last night he/she was having a little party! haha Everyone has their opinion as to what we are having many say boy....some say girl...someone will be proved wrong tomorrow IF the baby lets us see =) Soooooooooo I will post tomorrow and let u know! =)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Making itself known
Yesterday I felt baby kick!:) it was weird because it was so gentle .. I was leaning forward to read something on one of my screens and *kick kick* on my lower tummy...I guess it was letting me know it didn't like being squished lol.. It such a sweet little kick too.... Still soft and gentle enough sortof like a little tap on the shoulder:) I turned 18 weeks yesterday... I need to take a picture of my belly still... But I don't think it looks that different. Some little changes: less if an appetite... I eat small in the am... A crossiant and tea... Then fruit and yogurt. Lunch also a small meal... Yesterday sopa and a tortilla. Dinner pasta and beef but a small bowl.
I did have a hypoglycemic attack yesterday:( I get shaky and dizzy and my heart races... It's happened more when I'm pregnant it means my sugar levels are low... But it's because I'm not eating alot... But if I eat alot I feel sick. it went away after a few minutes but I wanted to cry!... Oni knows I have it.. He makes sure to get what ever I need when it happens but I was at work so I drank cold water and had some sweets. I need to have 6 small meals so it won't happen again which will be hard.. But I never want to feel like that ever again!!!
Also I notice I'm becoming a clean freak AGAIN yes again I was before I got pregnant but I got lazy. Poor hubby and kids Im making the girls clean up all their things even Gena they are old enough to help.. Akiras been helpin for a long time but now she has more to do.. And now it's Gena who started she puts her toys away but now it's her cloths she needs to put away and get dressed alone fix her bed and so on.. She has moments where she's not to happy about it, but still does it. :)
I'll update later on a picture! Thanks for reading
I did have a hypoglycemic attack yesterday:( I get shaky and dizzy and my heart races... It's happened more when I'm pregnant it means my sugar levels are low... But it's because I'm not eating alot... But if I eat alot I feel sick. it went away after a few minutes but I wanted to cry!... Oni knows I have it.. He makes sure to get what ever I need when it happens but I was at work so I drank cold water and had some sweets. I need to have 6 small meals so it won't happen again which will be hard.. But I never want to feel like that ever again!!!
Also I notice I'm becoming a clean freak AGAIN yes again I was before I got pregnant but I got lazy. Poor hubby and kids Im making the girls clean up all their things even Gena they are old enough to help.. Akiras been helpin for a long time but now she has more to do.. And now it's Gena who started she puts her toys away but now it's her cloths she needs to put away and get dressed alone fix her bed and so on.. She has moments where she's not to happy about it, but still does it. :)
I'll update later on a picture! Thanks for reading
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Emotional Roller Coaster
Lately I have been feeling very emotional, I cant explain why...but I can say that its been constant. When it finally hit me was on Fathers Day, my sister wanted to get together and then go see my dad, well I havent gone to see him since last year and I feel that if I would go I would need to be alone...every time I go I break down, I miss him ALOT. I literally will sit on his grave ( ok next to him) and cry and talk to him as if he can hear me and hes there. I told her I wouldnt be able to go that I would need to go alone, I also cancelled going out with them mainly because I had a migraine and Oni wanted a quiet day at home. I dont know why but with this pregnancy I find myself missing him ALOT more than normal. He passed away 21yrs ago, I always miss him, but never to where I just think about him and start crying....I cant even talk about him anymore because it will make me want to start bawling...I just wish he was here it seems like the older Im getting the more I miss him. My father in law has been a wonderful father figure for me and great grandfather to the grls, he has accepted me and Akira without hesitation into the family and has always embraced us....he never makes us feel like we dont belong. Last year he had a bypass........10 of them and couldve made me feel like I was loosing my father all over again, we dont have a father daughter relationship but we have a close one enough to where he always will ask how I feel and what Im doing and thinks about me when he cooks...he makes me my favorites more now than ever! haha.....I dont know I hope I can control my emotions a little more. Im afraid the baby will come out always sad or always crying if I dont control myself...... I just wish he was here to see me be pregnant and I wonder what hed be thinking.... just writing this makes me want to cry.........
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Last Tuesday I turned 4months!! I cant believe Im already almost half way!

This one is from my 17 weeks which was this week

A few changes: Im sore....I mean my "chest" is REALLY sore..u know what I also I notice lately Im WAY more emotional...and sensative I will cry for the little things I feel I normally wouldnt. This past weekend was EXTRA hard since it was Fathers Day, my dad has been gone for 21yrs and being pregnant makes it harder for me, a girls dream is to have her daddy there he and I were really close...Ask my mom~ And I feel I need him more and more each day .....So maybe thats what makes me more emotional.Also I CANT eat chocolate!!!!!!!!! I KNOW! My hubby gave me a ding dong I was craving one day....well I ate it...YUCK!!! I soo wanted to throw up! I had some water and thin pretzels, it calmed my stomach. I am wanting more lollipops (tootsie pops)I dont want junk food anymore and Im still walking.
I use to be able to sleep 7hrs and be really ok all day well no more! lol I cant get enough sleep! One weekend I woke up at 12!!!! It felt sooo good lol. Its funny I have ppl asking me more and more if Im pregnant...I always say "Well Im not fat or bloated ;) ofcourse I ONLY say that to ppl who I CAN joke with far I feel good! Lazy but I think thats normal lol....oh well!
This one is from my 17 weeks which was this week
A few changes: Im sore....I mean my "chest" is REALLY sore..u know what I also I notice lately Im WAY more emotional...and sensative I will cry for the little things I feel I normally wouldnt. This past weekend was EXTRA hard since it was Fathers Day, my dad has been gone for 21yrs and being pregnant makes it harder for me, a girls dream is to have her daddy there he and I were really close...Ask my mom~ And I feel I need him more and more each day .....So maybe thats what makes me more emotional.Also I CANT eat chocolate!!!!!!!!! I KNOW! My hubby gave me a ding dong I was craving one day....well I ate it...YUCK!!! I soo wanted to throw up! I had some water and thin pretzels, it calmed my stomach. I am wanting more lollipops (tootsie pops)I dont want junk food anymore and Im still walking.
I use to be able to sleep 7hrs and be really ok all day well no more! lol I cant get enough sleep! One weekend I woke up at 12!!!! It felt sooo good lol. Its funny I have ppl asking me more and more if Im pregnant...I always say "Well Im not fat or bloated ;) ofcourse I ONLY say that to ppl who I CAN joke with far I feel good! Lazy but I think thats normal lol....oh well!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
15 weeks
I know I have been gone for a few weeks......its all due us getting things more settled and also my laptop wasnt charged. I was sick for a total of 2 1/2 weeks. As you know being pregnant your immune system is weaker...and trust me its WEAK!
Heres me at 15 weeks taken today.........
Here are a few things that I notice are different..
I no longer crave junk.....I rather eat fresh fruit, mainly watermelon and yellow cherries. I am extremly tired still though... but the best is that I dont have anymore morning sickness!! woohoo! I have been noticing I get up more at night to use the rest room.... while at the store I do have to go more....Oni always says "Again??" lol yes again..... People are saying Im small for being almost 4months I guess compared to my previous pregnancies I am smaller, mainly because Im also lighter than I was before I got pregnant. My other pregnancies I had morning sickness ALL the time.... I ate alot also and now I notice my appetite has sortof decreased...not alot but its mellowed down...
I wanted to post other pixs of the previous weeks but thought maybe it would be to many =)
Thanks for reading and sorry about the delay!!!
Heres me at 15 weeks taken today.........
Here are a few things that I notice are different..
I no longer crave junk.....I rather eat fresh fruit, mainly watermelon and yellow cherries. I am extremly tired still though... but the best is that I dont have anymore morning sickness!! woohoo! I have been noticing I get up more at night to use the rest room.... while at the store I do have to go more....Oni always says "Again??" lol yes again..... People are saying Im small for being almost 4months I guess compared to my previous pregnancies I am smaller, mainly because Im also lighter than I was before I got pregnant. My other pregnancies I had morning sickness ALL the time.... I ate alot also and now I notice my appetite has sortof decreased...not alot but its mellowed down...
I wanted to post other pixs of the previous weeks but thought maybe it would be to many =)
Thanks for reading and sorry about the delay!!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Lately I have been SOOOO tired, I dont want to do much when I get home, making dinner is a must so I do that but cleaning up after, I wont sometimes I will pick up but wont clean like I normally do........I wont mop or dust, I just put the food away and soak the dishes. I am 9 weeks last week, I have a picture but will update the blog later, I notice that certain bad foods help me QUICK in the am, example: Lays sour cream and onion chips, I have a couple to help me avoid feeling sick, then off to work!!
In the am I normally eat cereal, I tried having oat meal but I CANT stomach it anymore, not right now. The changes I notice is just the tiredness, I nap at work on my breaks, I have about 2 so I take 30min all day and still walk at work, today I didnt I have been dealing with a cold.I know Im allowed to take certain medicine,but Im not the type to feel confident and just start taking things, I was given a list of things I can take when Im sick, but I rather play it safe and not take anything so I think napping eating oranges and drink water.....People at work are starting to notice a tummy/baby bump, to them it happened over night, TRUE, but so far everyone seems to be very happy about me being pregnant =)
I will post a picture tomorrow I turn 10 weeks........WOW almost 3months!
In the am I normally eat cereal, I tried having oat meal but I CANT stomach it anymore, not right now. The changes I notice is just the tiredness, I nap at work on my breaks, I have about 2 so I take 30min all day and still walk at work, today I didnt I have been dealing with a cold.I know Im allowed to take certain medicine,but Im not the type to feel confident and just start taking things, I was given a list of things I can take when Im sick, but I rather play it safe and not take anything so I think napping eating oranges and drink water.....People at work are starting to notice a tummy/baby bump, to them it happened over night, TRUE, but so far everyone seems to be very happy about me being pregnant =)
I will post a picture tomorrow I turn 10 weeks........WOW almost 3months!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Picturers and new symptoms..
So I finally uploaded picturers I took every week since I found out that Im pregnant!!
Its amazing how different I feel now...=) At first there was NO symptoms............I only felt bloaty
7 weeks...........I started to get MORE hungry.....You can see I can barely close my pants! Ahhh!
8 weeks...............I started having morning sickness........terrible feeling I wanted to just sleep it off
I had my 1st prenatal appt. thursady....I didnt know I would have an ultrasound....I was amazed that I can see the baby's heart beat (Just ONE baby ) it made me melt...and made it more real....<3>
I started asking ppl who have kids for any suggestions to help me with the morning person suggested eating RIGHT when I wake up......I tried it and it helped! She also mentioned to eat more often so I ate about every 2hrs...........NO MORNING SICKNESS!! This is what I ate Friday from when I woke up until I fell asleep:
Its amazing how different I feel now...=) At first there was NO symptoms............I only felt bloaty
I had my 1st prenatal appt. thursady....I didnt know I would have an ultrasound....I was amazed that I can see the baby's heart beat (Just ONE baby ) it made me melt...and made it more real....<3>
Toast with I cant believe its not butter spray and sips of sprite zero
Honey bunches of oats and low fat milk and a bananna
Wheat thins
Jasmine ,orange and pomegranite green tea (decaff)
Yogurt (60cal) and granola
Snack size of kettle corn (100cal)
Lunch was left overs rice and chicken
My cowker is a vegan and had me taste something called was about 3 spoon bites and a small taste of vegan collard greens (a bite) YUMMY
Half a vegan sandwhich...FULL
When I normally get off wk Im hungry but since I ate alot I was ok....
Dinner was made around 5 which is normally when I eat but I made whole wheat penne pasta with zuccini yellow squash (organic) broccoli bell peppers and onions w garlic all sauteed in olive oil (only the veggies) I tossed it all together wth some alfredo sauce I knw it is not as healthy as I should of had it but we had company and I tried to hide the veggies I can say EVERYONE ate it! Along with garlic bread....
A friend of ours asked if she can bring dessert.......She suggested Baclava but I know it wouldve made my tummy hurt from eating it because I like it soooo much I wouldnt stop so I suggested apple pie....I had ONE slice =D
Im doing my best to eat healthy all day, I will allow my cravings but will try to stick to only weekends......Im sorry I havent wrote its just that I have been really tired....I will continue to take picturers and post them =)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
7 weeks and counting......
As of tuesday I am 7 weeks pregnant ....... here is the link as to what is going on with me and how the baby looks like right now ....I am very excited, no morning sickness but theres ONE symptom I wish I can live without, if youve been pregnant before you know all about the uncomfortable feeling of when your breast swell =( It hurts (sorry if its TMI) I didnt have that big of an issue with Gena until AFTER she was born I think the only reason I think its happening is because I drink sooooo much water, 62oz of ice cold water. I started wking out with weights for my arms and Im doing squats for my legs also I walk everyday even though I dont want to.My eating has gotten ALOT better....I have gained about 5lbs and no more than that I read Im suppose to gain about 2-3lbs a month the first Im good so far! lol Im eating alot more fruit and decaffinated tea's.....I do have cravings and hubby has noticed its mainly sweets, I agree!! I dont want junk food I want ice cream, chocolate and I have them? maybe , sometimes.......XD Next week Im 8 weeks Im super nervous because I have my prenatal appt........YAY!! Im excited and nervous! I will be making a list of questions I have been wanting to ask the Dr....just to be sure I am doing everything I can to be healthy =)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
New taste buds
Im almost 7 weeks..... I notice theres certain things I LOVE now....Milk is one....yes milk, I normally dont like milk unless it has chocolate in it lol , but Im realizing I crave it, I had a big glass of milk and it was sooooooooooo good!! Today we went to Red Robin and hubby ordered onion rings I normally dont like them at all......onions are one thing that when pregnant would make me gag, he asked me to taste it and I for some odd reason I did, IT WAS GOOD!!!! yes its weird!! lol Oni was shocked, he thinks that maybe this pregnancy I will actually try different things I think hes right =S scary because Im cautious about what I eat but recently its like I dont really take caution. I have been wking out more, on my 15min breaks I go to the gym down stairs and do weights and squats and still do my 30min walks even though I rather nap!! lol I told hubby tomorrow I will start the gym again and hes ok with it....I need to stay active especially since Im eating differently NOT all bad just mainly more, I do need to go grocery shopping this week Im low on certain foods.....I still love snacking on my sugar snap peas and Im drinking TONS of water......Im noticing Im always thirsty. On tuesday I turn 7 weeks and then the following week I have my 1st prenatal appt Im excited and nervous..........I really dont want to see how much I have gained, my cloths still fit but I have moments where I can see a bump........I need to down load a picture I took so you can see what Im talking about =)....thanks for cking up on me!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
6 weeks and counting
So today was an ok day.....I have been extermly tired and not really wanting to do anything but I did do my walk today (30min and uphill) I did some research today and read that I CAN do some wkouts with resistance bands and sumo squats....I read that I CANT do walking lunges because of my pelvis I can hurt myself also it says no free weights just because I can drop them and hurt myself.So I decided to start this TOMORROW why? because...IM TIRED!!! lol... Im sooo spoiled and loving it, while pregnant all I need to say is "Ohh Im sooo craving....." and I normally get it hehe...yesterday we had Soup Plantation YUMMY!! I was also craving my moms flour tortillas she doesnt make them with lard she uses oil so they arent as bad yes they still arent healthy but hey I dont eat them all just one makes me happy ..I called her and told her and shes all "Ok I will make some for you today"YAY!!
The girls are really excited for the baby. Gena keeps asking when it will get here and keeps kissing my little bump, yes BUMP I will take a picture this week.....Akira surprisingly is also excited!! She was mad with Gena but now shes older so now she cant wait...she keeps talking about it =) My mother in law today gave me a mango, normally I wont eat them because they have soooo much sugar, but after dinner I wanted something sweet so I tasted it OMG! Sooo good!! I made green salsa enchiladas with chicken and spanish rice I only had one though. Today was an ok day, like I mentioned I have been very tired so Im taking naps at work on my 15min break so I take 30min all day, it helps me alot! Im about to head to bed its 9:30pm and my eyes are ready to close! NIGHT!
The girls are really excited for the baby. Gena keeps asking when it will get here and keeps kissing my little bump, yes BUMP I will take a picture this week.....Akira surprisingly is also excited!! She was mad with Gena but now shes older so now she cant wait...she keeps talking about it =) My mother in law today gave me a mango, normally I wont eat them because they have soooo much sugar, but after dinner I wanted something sweet so I tasted it OMG! Sooo good!! I made green salsa enchiladas with chicken and spanish rice I only had one though. Today was an ok day, like I mentioned I have been very tired so Im taking naps at work on my 15min break so I take 30min all day, it helps me alot! Im about to head to bed its 9:30pm and my eyes are ready to close! NIGHT!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Setting in
Its been hard realizing that Im pregnant....not because I dont want it I DO! But Im not use to being hungry all the time the weight gain YES weight gain!! =( I want to just get on a diet but cant and wont....Im sooooo tired lately! I dont want to walk or anything just sleep and use the rest room..........Its been hitting me hard like every 30minutes...I do drink 62oz of water which is the reason I go alot but also the fact that Im 6 weeks........Oh yea and I feel tummy is poofy and its hard to suck it in....I asked some people about 3rd pregnancies (they have 3) and they said they showed alot quicker than the other ones...WHAT!? I thought I would have more time....I mean I dont want to just show so early, I want to wear my cloths and still look ok...but nope now its more snug and it can be because Im eating more, not all unhealthy food but I do have my moments. It just feels like I cant stop or Im always hungry, my cousin joked that now my body is happy because Im not on a diet , lol could be! but still =( I know I dont mean to complain.....but its been 4yrs and 7 months since I had my last child.Today we went to Babies R US and looked around everything is soooo pretty! Oni wanted to just start buying!! I saw some strollers I wanted and also some comforter sets but I want to wait until Im further along, Im excited and in a few weeks I have my 1st prenatal appt right now this is how my baby looks like
thanks for cking up on me!

thanks for cking up on me!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Feeling good...
Last night I slept pretty good.....As hubby and Gena were out I cleaned and took a shower...I started to DREAD going to sleep because like I mentioned its been hard for me to fall into a "Deep" sleep and stay like that so I wake up tired. I watched some t.v while getting ready and saw someone doing some squat/jumps.......I MISS doing those! So I did a couple and then did more sumo squats, not very many but the few I did I felt awesome! GUESS WHAT!! I slept good!! haha I think its the fact that Im not wking out like before, Im nervous about doing anything because I havent seen my OBGYN yet and wont until 4/22/10 I have to be 8 weeks to see her. So now I see I will sleep tons better after a few squats and maybe some grlie pushups..
Today I felt very happy, this pregnancy isnt giving me any problems so far, no sickness and no other symptoms maybe its still to early but with both the girls I felt sick from the start! The weather today was cold and nice out..I had my walk today at lunch and we walked up it was hard!! I cant imagine myself doing that as I get bigger mainly because as I get bigger the more I will use the rest room and we take a 30min walk, I will play it by ear .
6:Kix cereal w/ 1% milk
Orange spice tea (caffeine free)
Dried banana chips and almonds (ADDICTING!)
9:Peach yogurt and more almonds
10:(2 )pieces of sugar free licorice
11:45:Albondiga soup (ground turkey breast/yellow squash/broccoli and red potatoes)
Brown Balsamic rice (co-wker brought me some sooooooo good!)
1 werthers original candy (s/f)
1: a banana
2: more almonds and sugar snap peas
I picked up Gena after work and took her to the park to play ..before I took her I REALLY wanted a ice cream cone from Mc Donalds...........didnt go....=(
Got home around 5pm and I was HUNGRY so I heated the rest of the soup and had that with 1 flour tortilla Now Im full!!!! I also had 1 chocolate chip cookie...
All day Ive been drinking water....I have about 62oz of water a day =) Tonight Im doing some squats and pushups........hopefuly it makes me sleep good I hope!!
Today I felt very happy, this pregnancy isnt giving me any problems so far, no sickness and no other symptoms maybe its still to early but with both the girls I felt sick from the start! The weather today was cold and nice out..I had my walk today at lunch and we walked up it was hard!! I cant imagine myself doing that as I get bigger mainly because as I get bigger the more I will use the rest room and we take a 30min walk, I will play it by ear .
6:Kix cereal w/ 1% milk
Orange spice tea (caffeine free)
Dried banana chips and almonds (ADDICTING!)
9:Peach yogurt and more almonds
10:(2 )pieces of sugar free licorice
11:45:Albondiga soup (ground turkey breast/yellow squash/broccoli and red potatoes)
Brown Balsamic rice (co-wker brought me some sooooooo good!)
1 werthers original candy (s/f)
1: a banana
2: more almonds and sugar snap peas
I picked up Gena after work and took her to the park to play ..before I took her I REALLY wanted a ice cream cone from Mc Donalds...........didnt go....=(
Got home around 5pm and I was HUNGRY so I heated the rest of the soup and had that with 1 flour tortilla Now Im full!!!! I also had 1 chocolate chip cookie...
All day Ive been drinking water....I have about 62oz of water a day =) Tonight Im doing some squats and pushups........hopefuly it makes me sleep good I hope!!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Third on the way
Well on Friday we found out we are expecting my 3rd baby! I say my because Akira is Onis step daughter and Gena is his first biological this is his 2nd. So far the kids will all be about 5 years and 2 months apart...Im due November 30, 2010 .. We have been planning this for 5 months and month after month I was sad every time a test came up negative or I got my YKW (you know what)..A few weeks back we went on our first cruise it was only 3 days........I did drink and sipped wine but very little.........Im sooooo happy we went!! Because now it will be a loonnggg time before we will be able to go again =) its ok I dont mind.
On this blog I will mainly be blogging about how Im feeling and what Im eating, Im going to do my best to eat healthy and keep walking and wking out lightly. So far I have been feeling GREAT no nausea in the morning but I do feel sick sometimes in the afternoon but it goes away QUICK. I do take daily walks everyday for 30min uphill........I drink about 62oz of water a day. Sleep has been hard for me not sure if thats normal I never had that issue with the girls, I was sick all the time so sleep was always best for its like I lay there and Im super tired but cant seem to fall asleep and STAY asleep.... Im hoping this goes away........thank you for following me and for any comments you post =)
On this blog I will mainly be blogging about how Im feeling and what Im eating, Im going to do my best to eat healthy and keep walking and wking out lightly. So far I have been feeling GREAT no nausea in the morning but I do feel sick sometimes in the afternoon but it goes away QUICK. I do take daily walks everyday for 30min uphill........I drink about 62oz of water a day. Sleep has been hard for me not sure if thats normal I never had that issue with the girls, I was sick all the time so sleep was always best for its like I lay there and Im super tired but cant seem to fall asleep and STAY asleep.... Im hoping this goes away........thank you for following me and for any comments you post =)
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