Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two months

Angel is two months old as of last week<3 he's changed alot ... He's now 12.8lbs loves to giggle and smile he coos when he sees someone he knows.... He follows our voices also:). He hates tummy time! Oh boy he really hates it!!! Lol I still have him do it but I make sure to hold him after to calm him dwn. He has a cold right now... So he's been very fussy :( he has a chest cold so he sounds like a purring kitten and when he coughs or sneezes he goes "ohhh" amazingly he's still a happy baby for the most part! He loves bath time he will sit there and kick his feet in the water it's sooo cute:) he still fits in SOME new born clothing but mainly 0-3mon I'm not sure how long he is he hasn't gotten his shots yet. He seems to have a routine, after waking up in the am around 7 he feeds burps gets a fresh diaper then bouncer.... He seems to look forward to it lol he sees his toys and he just has a giggle fest! He also has a swing which helps alot!! Once he's put in there it has toys on top so he looks at it and then more than 90% of the time he falls asleep:) he seems to love music... If I sing to him or he hears it he just seems mesmerized by it..... He seems to love pushing himself ... If were holding him and sitting down he will push and make his legs stay straight.... Also he doesn't like being held like a new born.... He needs to be looking around or be held looking at ur face chest to chest but not laying down. He will let u know what he wants.... He starts off wth a fuss.... Little by litle he gets louder then BOOM screams! Lol he seems to be warning u it's silly but he knows we won't let him get tooo angry because then he's just done... He's changed alot in his face also I'll post later some updates pics I'll update the post:) txs for cking up on us!


  1. Lynnette-How cute! Eddie was like that too. He hated tummy time. Now that I look back, I sort of regret doing it. It's like what was the point of that? LOL Call me ignorant. He never did tummy time well -Oh well :S

    I can't wait to see Angel again. He is so warm and sweet to hold <3 He is a strong boy too. I like how he is so demanding of needing to see what is going on! Come on, I mean the world is new to him. Have you tried putting him in the Bjorn facing forward, while holding up his cabezita?

  2. Lol I agree!!! So when I hold him chest to chest he holds his head up so I count that as tummy time haha.... No I can't put him fcing forward his head isn't that stable yet imagine his head all forward!!!:/ lol poor baby !
    He is all warm and snuggly<3 I love him soooooo much:)

  3. Awwww super sweet. Can't wait to meet him.
