Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Busy body

Just a quick update on angel, he's a busy body! He prefers to be on the floor and roll around he can't roll all the way each time but boy oh boy he tries! Even on his swing he tries! He loves being held but he starts grunting and arching hid back when he wants down which means he wants to play with his toys sooo he is put in his bouncer and he's a happy baby pulling on his toys. He now knows that when the phone is pointed to him it's for a picture or video and he will stare at it....O__O

he loves kisses<3 and to sleep on his tummy, he's a handful because we can't do much if he's bored! Lol naps are quick. He will be my little tornado<3 I'm ok with that!

Txs for cking up on us:)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these updates. I love reading them. We're so far away and missing so much of his life, it's nice to hear about him. He's such a smart guy already staring at the camera. He knows!
