Thursday, July 14, 2011

Angels first ER visit.

This past Saturday Angel was sick, he had a fever of 101.5 which was the highest it got. I gave him Tylenol and it didn't really budge. He seemed fine and wasn't very fussy, I gave him a bath and even put a cold cloth on his forehead while Oni had the fans near him....nothing. We decided to call the nurse hotline and once I got ahold of someone they recommended we go to the ER at Children's, mainly because I told them his urine had a strong smell and I was worried it was a urine infection.

Once we got to the ER he was seen right away, there wasn't many ppl there. His temp was still 101.5 they weighed him and let me know we can give him Children's Motrin 1tbsp............he was extremely fussy by this time it was already 12am and he hasn't slept or ate much plus they cked his blood pressure on his ankle and he was not happy. Once we went to the back and the Dr came he checked his ears and so on and then his throat, and that's when

1)Angel screamed and cried 2) they discovered he had red spots in his throat.

Yup.......handfootmouth disease or herpangina.......its common in small kids..they can get it from anywhere that isn't very clean, that morning I took him with me to get some groceries and for the FIRST time I put him in the cart like a big boy, yes I cleaned it...but he kept grabbing the belt of the seat next to him which I didn't clean that well, I'm not saying he got sick from that exact situation but its a possibility....yes I felt awful although I know it wasn't done on purpose as a mother I felt responsible for it. They also cked his urine and while that happened I wanted to cry..I kept kissing his forehead telling him it will be over soon and that I'm sorry.....I felt helpless....Im sure he did also.

I left the ER within 1hr of being there....we went home without meds, we could only give him Motrin. The nights were restless, he didn't eat much or sleep or even drink much. Today hes ALOT better his spots are gone and hes now sleeping more . As for food not much, turns out hes afraid that it will hurt =(

Im writing this to let you know what happened now that hes better, I haven't had much sleep and its been hard to do much, since hes been sick hes been VERY attached to me. I mean...he cries when I leave the room while Oni holds him and throws himself on me when I'm near.....he sleeps when I hold him but wont with daddy... he will cry and fuss until I get him. This was his first major illness.=(

thanks for cking on him

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